Chapter 8

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A few days later Brandon and Rose were walking through a different forest than they had travelled on the way towards the dragon. After the dragon had helped them with the dress, they had left the cave behind. Initially, they had planned to travel back towards Helios, to tell the villagers what they had done, and that they wouldn't have to be afraid anymore. No doubt they would have been received as heroes.

But they didn't have time to enjoy the praise of others. Not yet. Not before they had completed their entire mission. And to do that, Brandon and Rose had to travel even further north, towards the mountain of Mani. There the moon pools were hidden; there they would find a power they could use as a Core for the moon part of the dress.

They were closing in on the moon pools now. Ever since they left Sol mountain their travels had been swift. It didn't seem like many people travelled through the forest, they hadn't come across anyone and hadn't seen any marks left behind. And yet it was surprisingly easy to traverse. The trees were not very close together, and the greenery was quite short. They were walking through it in record pace.

At least, they were up until now. Brandon suddenly realised that Rose was no longer walking next to him. Confused he turned around. Rose was standing a couple dozen feet behind him. She was no longer on the path the two of them had taken. Instead, she was hunched over in the bushes beside it.

Brandon walked back towards her, curious to what had made Rose stop. He had grown up in luxury as a noble, whereas Rose had had to work hard for her entire life. As a result, Brandon was usually the one that got tired first, though it had gotten better over the duration of their travels.

But if she wasn't tired, why did she stop?

When he got close to Rose, he stopped. "Rose?" he said.

She didn't respond. Brandon hesitated for a bit, and then made a decision. He walked towards her, and put an arm on her shoulder. "Rose... Is everything okay?" he said.

Rose turned around. Her face was puffy and her eyes were red. Tears were still visible on her cheeks. In her hand she held a single red rose. "I'm fine. I just..." She shook her head. "It's just dumb memories, that's all."

"Memories are never dumb. They make us who we are as a person," Brandon said. "Does it have to do with the flower?"

Rose nodded. "My mother... She died when I was born. Growing up, it was just me and my dad. He's the one that gave me my name, because of my hair. He would always say I was red on top, with a thorny character, just like a rose." She smiled. "Called it a good thing too. Said it would protect me."

"Sounds like he's a good man," Brandon said.

"He was."

"I'm sorry," Brandon said. He wanted to say more, to explain that he understood her grief, and that he felt terrible for bringing it up. But he had no idea how to. So he just kept quiet.

"It's okay. It was a long time ago. And maybe it was for the best. Otherwise Abigail wouldn't have had to take me in, and I wouldn't be here now." She put the rose in her backpack. "Thanks for listening, Brandon. I'm..."

She was interrupted by a screech coming out of the woods next to them. Instinctively Brandon took out his sword and shield and turned towards the unknown danger. Rose turned to stand beside him. The sad, crying girl that was there just a moment ago had disappeared, and had taken place for a powerful witch, ready to fight.

But nothing attacked them. Instead, there was another screech, a bit further away now. It was like a scream of desperation. Another scream. Someone was in a lot of danger.

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