Chapter 3

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Me and Uncle are going to have a nice long chat at some point about how I hate surprises. I just stood there looking at them, well who wouldn't I'm used to seeing celebrities all the time for work and stuff and I do get starstruck alot but this I didn't have time to prepare myself to act normal "is she okay boss ?" oh god his voice it sounded a lot deeper in person then on camera like I'm used too "yes she's fine I just didn't tell her she was meeting you today or that she was staying with you " Uncle said smiling to himself like he won something , I turned to Uncle "how dare you Uncle why did you do this you know how much I hate surprises and you go and do this ! " I said to him but he still kept smiling " you know I don't speak Irish Magnus, did you really switch languages just to shout at me you really are just like your father" I smiled when he said that my father had the habit of shouting at people in Irish because a lot of people didn't understand him. I took a deep breath and walked over to the guys and smiled " hello it's a pleasure to meet you all I'm Magnus" they looked amused and confused at the same time " let's sit we have stuff to talk about " Uncle said waving everyone to sit at the table I went back to my seat " so boys introduce yourself even though she already knows who you are ?" Uncle smirked in my direction I just gave him the evil eyes "Kim Namjoon""Kim Seokjin""Min Yoongi""Jung Hoseok""Park Jimin""Kim Taehyung""Jeon Jungkook" I can't believe it, Uncle is actually doing this to me I am going to need a strong drink later to make sure this is real.

"So Magnus here is working for us more importantly for you she will be another manager but behind the scenes Sejin is still your manager don't worry Magnus works with him but he will be the one in the media Magnus will be kept hidden from the media until further notice so when you take pictures make sure she isn't in the background and if she is caught on film her face will be blurred out like everyone else understand ?" Uncle explained they all nodded " what will she do ? " Jin asked I looked over he wasn't dressed for practice in fact none of them were they were all in nice clothes like they were going out somewhere they all looked so handsome but Jungkook looked all adorable dressing up like a mature man the clothes looked a little to big like they were borrowed Jungkook actually hasn't looked at me properly only to greet to me and say his name how sweet" Magnus dear " I looked to Uncle " Yes Uncle " I said sarcastically " no need for as you will be working with the boys you should explain your job to them " I nodded and sat forward " the best way to describe it is a handyman really I do a bit of everything from getting snacks for the shoots to songwriting, I can help with choreography, album design, wardrobe and makeup, I'll help with photography , run episodes , bts bombs and bon voyage stuff like that I can help you write songs and raps, I'll also be helping out with translations "
they all looked shocked " so your doing the work of 30 or more people ?" Namjoon said I smiled and nodded "yep " " wow thats alot of work " Jimin said looking concerned Uncle laughed at his concern " this is nothing this is like a holiday for her really knowing Magnus she will ask for more work " I shrugged my shoulders " I like working " I said like it was nothing which it is I love to work because I like doing what I'm doing and for the family business I love to learn new things so I was always working and learning Uncle got a message on his phone and got up " I will be back in a minute guys you should start to get to know each other as you will be living together from now on " Uncle left us in the meeting room it was quiet for a few seconds they all looked at one another then to me I just smiled to them " what has my Uncle told you about me ?" I asked " he talks alot about you like you are his daughter all your achievements stuff like that and that you would rooming with us " Namjoon said I let out a breath " I hope no embarrassing stories came out " putting my hand to my forehead and falling back into the chair I heard a few of them laughing.

"Are you an ARMY then ?" I looked through my fingers to Tae he had his boxy smile on full display I couldn't help but smile back to and nodded " yes I am I have been a fan since Uncle had the idea and helped him a little with the planning " I sheepishly said a small blush fell o my cheeks " so you created BTS with your Uncle ?" Yoongi asked with a serious look on his face I nodded " I gave Uncle a push in the right direction " you can dance ?" Hoseok asked I blushed and nodded " yes I do " " and sing and rap " a little voice said I wanted to awe aloud so bad when Jungkook asked me that he sounded so young and small " yep I do I mostly do covers or write my own but I haven't done that in while" " how many languages do you speak ?" Namjoon asked it looked like he was committing everything to memory " oh I speak around I think at last count 16/17 " all their faces dropped " you speak 17 languages ?!?!?!?" Hoseok said almost shouting back I just nodded " I like to learn a lot I can also write in those languages and I also know sign " " you must be very smart then Ms Magnus" Jungkooks little voice asked I giggled " please call Magnus or Mags, I just like to learn a lot really I only learn what I find interesting which is most things" " so that was Irish you were speaking then earlier to the boss ?" Jimin asked "Yep Irish is my first language then English , I normally slip into speaking Irish sometimes if I'm working or talking to myself " "so cool " Tae said smiling again " I'd like to see you dance Magnus " Hoseok said smiling I stopped breathing he wants to what ? "what " " I want to see you dance " " yea I want to see you dance and sing and rap " Jimin said almost jumping up from his chair they all nodded      " yea I want to hear your style " Yoongi said and smiled holy crap he smiled.

Before I could answer Uncle walked back in the room " sorry about that guys how's it going on in here ?" taking his seat again " Magnus was going to show us her dancing and then singing" Namjoon said smiling to Uncle , Uncle looked straight at me with worry in his eyes I nodded " how about I sing first then dance ? " I asked them they nodded and got up to leave me and Uncle followed them to the elevator to a different floor with music rooms when they guys stepped out when the doors opened Uncle held me back so the guys couldn't hear" Should you be dancing Magnus " I smiled and nodded " don't worry Uncle I'll be fine " he just nodded and let me go to follow the boys down the corridor Jungkook held the door open for me "thank you Jungkook" and ruffled his hair and he giggled I had to hold back everything not to turn around and squish him in to a hug , it was a fairly big room with a few instruments up against the walls
" so what would you like me to sing ?" I asked the room they were all thinking " Oh do that one you did at the fair a few years back " Uncle said smiling " that has dancing in it " he added " sure but not much dancing only a little " I said " lets see " Jin asked I nodded " Okay but I will need you guys for this you don't have to do anything just stand there and don't move I have to dance between you " they all nodded and I set them in a zig zag Uncle set the music up and I stood in front of then I went in age order as they were kind of standing in that order already Uncle started the music and slowly walked through them and started singing as I walked through the boys with every new verse I stood by one of the boys and song around them and moved down the group they all had smiles on their faces as I danced through them they themselves danced a little too but not enough to throw me off as I moved through them I slowly moved them closer together till I was left standing in front of Hoseok I held my hand out for him to take and I bowed smiling I stood back up straight and let go of his hand they all bust into clapping " that was so cool Magnus " Jimin said smiling " it's an Irish matching making song for a young girl the last man she ends in front off is her future husband " I said all the guys started jaring at Hoseok slapping him on the back it made him blush when he looked up to me and I blushed back.

We stayed in the music room for while after that Uncle left again and we were just talking about music really like what instruments I play and have I ever thought of becoming a idol I just laughed them off and told them that I have a YouTube for cover songs and travel vlogs stuff like that they asked to see it taking out their phones I gave them my name IrishRaven I answered all their questions they had about the channel and videos I posted, we all sat on the ground in a circle talking for ages it seems until Uncle came back shocked to see we hadn't moved from when he left tell us it was about half 1 in the afternoon " you guys have the next week off from schedules so you can all get to know one another , you might have to come in one at a time to do wardrobe but that's about it and Magnus needs a few days to look over everything so you all can leave I suggest going for lunch then show Magnus around then take her to your dorm her bags have been dropped off already" Uncle said the boys cheered out when Uncle said they had the week off because of me " look after her boys okay she's like a daughter to me " Uncle shouted as he left the room all the boys shouted back that they will I just giggled at them " so as I'm staying with you lunch on me ?" I said they all had wide eyes and shook their heads " nope your our guest you don't pay " Jin said "but what about food shopping for the apartment left be pay for something please ?" I begged them they all looked to on another then to Jin and he looked to me " we will work that out later when we are back home but know its lunch time so BBQ ?" all the boys jumped up shouting "yes!" I was about to get up when a hand appeared in my vision Hoseok was smiling down to me "need a hand" I smiled back and took his hand to stand again my knees felt a bit weak so I fell into his side he caught me " you okay Magnus " he sounded worried I just smiled and nodded "yea I'm fine legs just fell asleep " we all walked out and down to the elevator to leave " how old are you Magnus " Tae asked and Jimin hit his arm "you don't ask a girl her age " I giggled " it's fine Jimin I was born July 4th 94 so I'm a few months older than Namjoon" they all asked little questions when we were heading down to the lobby , I waved goodbye to Mia she waved back they boys but hats and masks on I followed with the mask and putting my coat on as well Jin helped with my coat such a gentleman. Jimin, Tae and Jungkook walked with me as made it down the street asking 101 questions at once I couldn't help at them so cute the lot of them Yoongi told the off for asking so many questions but I just waved him off "It's fine really I don't mind at all ". I didn't know it but at that moment I was healing.

                                                                           The song she sings is at top, I'll try find one of the dancing to match it !!


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