Author's Note

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Hey all. Wow. It's been a bit, huh? As some of you already know, this whole Covid-19 ordeal has been hard on me mentally. I haven't been the mood for writing and forcing myself only made that worse.

But sometimes, usually when I least expect it, something comes to me BEGGING to be written down. This is one of those times.

It's super short and could probably be flesh out. But it's the most I've written in weeks. So I'll take it.

Kudos to anyone who figures out/knows who the two names belong to in this little snippet. And if you don't know, might I highly suggest checking out the Thai drama 2Moons2 on YouTube. Your quarantine self will thank you.

Anyway, enjoy this little thing for what it is. You never know, it might turn into something more later on. For now it's just a little musing into my own head.


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