Dorms? And Girls Night |Day 1|

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Mr Aizwa: Ok so we have always had extra dorms in case of guests so your gonna clam one, I know you don't own much but make your self at home
Amaya: Ok thank you Sir
At Amaya's Dorm
Hey at least I a have a sunrise view she thought
*someone knocks at the door*
Grey|Amaya: Uh
*she opens it to see Jiro and Momo*
Jiro: Hey Water girl we were wondering how your room was going
Pink|Amaya: Uh good thanks!
Momo: We were also wondering if you wanted to come hang out with us. Think of it as a girl night! *she smiled*
Green| Amaya: Oh. Ok cool! *she smiled back cheerfully*
*In the lounge*
Toru: Girls night!
Mina: So, let's talk about boys!
Tsu : I mean didn't Ochaco have that crush on Isuku a while back
*Ochaco blush's and floats up a bit*
Ochaco: No what are you talking about *she said in a lieing tone*
*everyone giggled*
Ochaco: Anyway- what about Water girl does she have a crush on anyone?
Grey|Amaya: *whispers to her self*: Why does everyone keep calling me that?
Jiro: Oh sorry about that, we kinda all forgot your first name but we know that Bakugo calls you Damu and your last name is Bonī
Blue|Amaya: Oh-
Green|Amaya: Well my name is Amaya!
And no I don't really know many people here to have a crush on someone

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