Chapter 1

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My name is Mihraneth, but I prefer to be called Mihra. I live in the Woodland realm, deep into the dark forest of Mirkwood. This has been my home for 600 years. When my parents died when I was 220 years old, my cousin Tauriel took care of me. Though she was so young too, she tried so hard to take care of me. A few years later, she learned me how to fight with a bow and arrow. Tauriel later became the captain of the guard and I joined the guard shortly after. Today is my real day as a guard, for I've spent my time hanging around the realm guarding for enemies. But today, I get to follow the others into the forest. I am quite excited, yet nervous. I've never fought anything dangerous or... alive. I know, for a guard you must know how to fight, and I do! I just don't do it.

"Done daydreaming, Mihra? We're leaving soon." The voice of Tauriel gets me back into reality. I turn around and I'm being greeted by a big smile on Tauriel's lips. She walks up to me and crosses her arms.

"You ready?" She asks with a excited voice.

"I'm so ready! Let's do this!" I say and smirk. Tauriel smiles and and whistles for one of the guards.

"Gather the guards. We're leaving in some minutes." Tauriel commands. The guard nods and runs away to the others.

"Are you nervous?" Tauriel turns around to look at me me as a small smirk forms on her lips.

"A little." I admit and sigh. Tauriel grabs my shoulder and looks into my bright blue eyes.

"It's gonna go well. I promise, It's not like it's life or death. Just stick to me and you'll be alright." Tauriel says and I look up at her, slowly nodding.

The guards are coming and we are soon leaving the realm, but one is missing. I look behind the little crowd and see a tall, slender blonde elf walking towards us.

"Hello Legolas. Okay, let's go." Tauriel says and starts walking towards the gate. I quickly look at Legolas one more time, while he walks past me towards Tauriel before I start to walk behind them.

Some minutes passes as we all step into the big, quiet and old forest. You could hear, see and smell that this forest is cursed, and abandonded by all the forest's animals. Except for some...

I see Tauriel in front of me, giving orders and dividing people into small groups. Me, Tauriel and Legolas are in one group. I smile in relief, that I got to be in the same group as Tauriel. Tauriel motions Legolas and me to follow her deeper into the forest. Legolas looks at me, and nods in a way to say "hello". I smile a little and walk beside him behind Tauriel.

"So, it's your first day?" Legolas says and looks at me with a slight grin on his face. I look at him in confusion. He has never ever talked to me, and the thought of him speaking to me makes me blush. I clear my throat, realizing I didn't even answer him.

"Uh, yeah." Wow, not making it awkward. Not at all. I look away and smile.

Legolas chuckles, and I blush even more.

"So are you nervous? Excited?" He tilts his head a little to one side as he looks into my eyes.

"Both." I say and smile. My smile is interrupted as I almost trip on a tree root on the ground. Damnit. I find my balance quickly and look up at Legolas.

He looks behind us at the root and smiles at me, then he raises his eyebrows as he looks to my right. I look to my right aswell.

"That is one big spiderweb." I mumble as I follow the white web, spinned between the trees with my eyes. I hate spiders, more than anything.

"Indeed." I hear Tauriel say over her shoulder. Suddenly she stops and I almost trip over her. She holds out her finger to tell us to stop. A bit too late Tauriel, I think to myself and roll my eyes.

I look at Legolas, giving him a "What in the world is going on?" look. He looks at me, then at the same spot Tauriel looks at which is a fallen tree... That has fallen on another tree, making it possible to walk under it. It's full with spiderweb under it also. And above. And next to it.

Tauriel raises her bow, and places an arrow in it. She breathes out and holds the bow steady, before she lets the arrow fly right through the web under the tree.

"What was that good for?" I hiss to Legolas.

"Wait for it..." He whispers and arms himself with his bow and arrow. With a small panic growing inside, I do the same.

Right where Tauriel shot her arrow, gigantic spiders come crawling out. I let out a whimp in fear and back away. Legolas and Tauriel shoots them down easily while I stand in the background, figuring out whether to run, cry or stand still and shoot. With some hesitation, I aim my bow at one spider and I release the arrow. the spider dies and curls up into a ball. I grimace in disgust.

Tauriel and Legolas looks back at me and smiles.

"Good job." Legolas says and pats my shoulder.

"Yea. That was the last one too." Tauriel adds. I sigh and smile while I put the bow over my shoulder.

Suddenly something is heard from the distance. It sounds like voices. They are screaming. I frown and look at Legolas, who is already staring at me.

"Come on." Tauriel says. She whistles for the other guards to come with us and when we are all gathered, the group swings up in the trees and starts jumping from tree to tree, trying to get to the sound.

When we finally reach the sorce of the sound, I look down and scoff.

"Is that-"

"Dwarves." Legolas finishes my sentence with a cold voice. Without any warning, the group starts swinging down the trees.

They kill the spiders that surrounds the dwarves. I wait a little before I drop down on the ground below aswell.

Legolas drops down first in front of the dwarves, and raises his bow. He looks the dwarf who is in front of him up and down before he starts to speak.

"Do not think I wont kill you, dwarf. It would be my pleasure." Legolas spits out with his voice filled with hatred. I look at Legolas, and then at the dwarves. One of them makes eyecontact with me and growls.

"Calm down." I say and raise my bow. The dwarf, who had an axe in his head literally, stops growling. With a small sneer, I look back at Tauriel, but she's not there.

"Help!" A loud voice is heard, but it's not Tauriel's. It's another dwarf. One of the dwarves infront of us shouts out the dwarf's name. I look at Legolas with wide eyes.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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