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"I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY you're so nervous Ivana, we're just getting on a train," Munroe laughed at me.

"I'm not, I'm just nervous about something else..." I looked around at the people around us, I was never good with so many people around me. Especially with the person who gave me anxiety every time she even looked at me.

"Don't chicken out on me now, I got money to blow, and I only want to blow it with you girl," She smiled looking back at me, and pulled me by my wrist even hard so I would walk faster. She had that golden that personality that made you like her immediately, and me love her immediately. She liked so many things, just like I did. One day she could be fighting for black power, listen to N.W.A., and the next fangirl over Guardian's Of The Galaxy, and Legend of Korra.

She was different... I like different.

She jumped on the train, struggling with the bags in her hand. She basically had all of her clothes, which wasn't very many bags, but she was small and looked helpless. I caught the bag she dropped, and pushed her up the train. We walked to our seats, and she made sure she sat by the window. I put our bags up in the storage compartments above us, and sat by the window on the opposite side. I stared at her for a while, she looked out the window, biting her lip in anticipation. But at the same time looked scared.

She glimpsed at me, and straightened her face, she pulled the table that passengers can share and pulled up a map. "Okay so I was thinking, if we take the train straight to New York, and make only two or three stops then I think we can beat that storm that's coming to New York, and we can make that plane to Italy... Hello? Ivana are you listening?" She waved her hand in my face. I looked up from my texting, and she saw. She grabbed it from my hands and turned it off.

"Next time it's going out the window," She stuck it in her pocket.

"I don't get it, why can we not have phones?" I asked.

"I'll tell you later, but anyway, what do you think about the plan?"

"I don't, I guess it works." She smiled the biggest smile, and I couldn't help but courve my lips.

"This is gonna be the best thing that'll happen to us, don't worry."

"I know Munroe."

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