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Keith POV (age 8)

“Papa, why does dad have to go?” I say as I watch the truck pull away. “He’s going to space Hunny,” Adam said as he kissed the top of my head. “I know that but why?” I cross my arms. “It's his job Keith, now let's get out of this cold.” He picks me up and we go inside.

“How about a story?” Adam says and sits on the couch. “Yes, a story! Can it be a Lance story?” I exclaim and jump onto his lap. “Of course” He starts telling me a story of Lance McLain and the lost children. Of Zarkon and his pirate crew, and their search for quintessence, the most valuable material in the world. Tonight’s story was about how Lance and the lost children found a whole cavern of Quintessence and the battle with Zarkon over it. “..and with that last arrow, the pirates retreated back to their ship, never to see the treasure again!” Adam finished. 

“I love that story! Another! Another!” I said. “Nope, its time for bed mister” he rubbed his forehead against mine as he picks me up for bed. As we walk upstairs I say, “When will Dad be home?” “In a few years Hunny, a few years,” as he says that we reach my room and he tucks me in for the night. “Good night Keith, see you tomorrow.”

Keith POV (age 15)
Running, I hear Lotor and his gang right behind me, gunshots pinging off of the buildings in the alley. Seeing a garbage bin, I duck behind it pulling Kosmo with me. Shoot, shoot, shoot! Why did you do that?! You didn’t need to steal that dagger! Granted it does look cool but still, YOU DIDN’T NEED IT! While I have a mental battle with myself my pursuers run past Kosmo and I giving us a chance to run home.

--(time skip)--

Once I reach home I pocket the dagger “Pa! I’m home!” “I’m in the kitchen, Keith!” I walk in and am immediately hit with the smell of Adams’s homemade blooming onion.
He only makes blooming onions when he thinks I’m going to get mad. I walk up to the island and sit down, “Ok, what is it.” “What is what Keith?” he says as he sets the onion in front of me. “You only make the onion when you don’t want to tell me something. Now spill,” I grab a bite. “Fine, might as well bite the bullet. You're going to boarding school.” “WHAT?! ADAM NO! I CAN’T LEAVE YOU AND KOSMO! I ALREADY LOST DAD I CAN’T LEAVE YOU TOO!” I slam my hands on the table. I can’t believe Adam would think that a blooming onion would soften the blow.

“Don’t take that tone with me, mister. I’m doing this for your own safety. You get in fights at school and the streets. I don’t want to see you get hurt Keith.” 

So, ik its crap but stay with me on this. If u see any spelling mistakes and anything I could improve on in general, don’t be afraid to tell me. Adios!

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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