he protects you...

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do you guys like it when I write like: this is what happened and this is how you felt about it OR did you guys like it when I write like a story like: this is happening and here is dialogue and body movement and stuff? let me know and I'll write more like that 


it happened on a mission...

"Y/N" Shikamaru screams as he rushes across the field to your body, dodging shuriken and attacks

upon seeing you are still breathing and not too badly injured he stood in front of you, his shadow covering your body as he faced the enemy 

you shook as you wrapped up the blood coming out of your leg and tried to peer around Shikamaru to see what he was doing, he had gathered all the shadows and had choked each one of the enemy shinobi, dropping their bodies on the ground as he whirled around and knelt next to you

he placed a hand on top of your injury while you cupped his face in your hands, wiping a tear off his face with your thumb 

"I'm sorry" he choked, bringing your forehead to his, his hands in your hair "I'm sorry I let them hurt you, I promise it will never happen again" he sobbed taking in a fast breath 

"sshhh Shika Its ok I'm here" you said calmly, trying to get him to calm down as you pressed a kiss against his nose and another one on his lips "thank you"


you were serving tables at the BBQ and it was rush hour. you walk quickly past all the tables and giving them their drinks and orders, you smile kindly as you take orders and speak sweetly to the people complaining about how long their orders are taking 

"I'm so sorry ma'am" you apologize to a mother sitting with her two children "I actually think I see your plates going across the pick up table so let me go get those for you right now" you smile and whisk off

Choji and his team enter the restaurant, he knew it would be busy but he just wanted to see you since you both had been busy recently. Taking their normal seat in the back they wait patiently for you to come around. 

You sit the plates down in front of the family and wish them a happy eating and then turn and tell the table of young gentlemen behind them that their steaks are almost done and should be out in a few minutes 

turning and seeing Team 10, you make your way over to their table, giving Choji a quick  peck on his forehead as you whisk out the notepad to take their order. 

"hey cutie!" shouts one of the young men from the table you were just at "why don't you come back over here and give us some of that?"

you roll your eyes as you put your hand on Choji's shoulder to push him back down "just ignore them" you say, gesturing for Ino to continue with her order but she doesn't 

Choji carefully pushes past you and grabs the boy who shouted at you by the collar of his shirt and drags him out the door. and when Choji comes back in the boy doesn't...


the ambassadors from the claw village were supposed to arrive today and you and Garra had spent all morning preparing the final touches to the proposal he was offering for trade between the two villages.

"now Y/N" he starts in his adorable raspy voice "when they come in I would prefer you were not in the office"

"what? why?" you asked, looking up from the papers 

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