Chapter 6: The Gal's Gang: Ruby Jewel's story

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"Dar, Soda, Ruby!" I heard my younger brother call from the living room. I looked at my alarm clock sitting on my nightstand next to where I was drawing in my journal. It read 11:52 good he didn't miss curfew again. Darry has been so on edge lately that he doesn't give Pony any slack because he sees so much potential in him. I was worried that if Pony came home late tonight, Darry would snap, but luckily some fate caused Pony to be in the living room on time.

"What is it Pony," I called as I got up from my chair and walked into the living room to see Pony standing there with Johnny and some gal I had never seen before. I was looking at Johnny at first just admiring him like the lovesick puppy I am but then I glanced at the gal. She seemed to be older than Pony and Johnny but Johnny looks younger than his age. She was probably around 16 or 17 and she appeared to be a soc. She was wearing a bright yellow dress with white polka dots and a yellow headband to match. Her outfit and bright smile gave her a sunny disposition that made me know we were going to be great friends. She had greenish brown eyes and sandy blonde hair that flowed down her back.

"Well hello I am Minnie Sheldon," she introduced herself and her first name made me smile thinking of Two- bit's obsession with Mickey Mouse but the smile faded when I recognized her last name.

"As in Bob Sheldon?" I stuttered thinking of him and his stupid rings that gave Johnny that scar on his face when he jumped him a couple months back.

"Yeah that's my idiot brother, I am ashamed to be related to him," she looked down at her feet and before I could reassure her Pony explained looking up at Darry and Soda who were already in the living room before me.

Then Pony began his monologue "Minnie's brother started a fight with us when he saw us hanging out together but Dally knocked him out when he touched Thorne. You guys will meet her tomorrow. She is great ,kind of scary, but great. Before Dal knocked him out though Bob told Minnie 'This is my last straw no coming home for you missy, blah blah blah threatening words.' Then Minnie was all 'I don't want to go home with you, you stinky soc boy.' And I was all getting punched by a soc but I still heard it all, it went down exactly like that. Anyways so, once Bob was out cold the socs ran away because Dal was all 'Don't touch Thorne again because I will touch you worse.' Then Two was all 'Yeah I will touch you more dangerously if you touch Minnie.' And I was all 'I got punched by a soc, ow!' Then I told Minnie she could stay with us because she is sorta kinda homeless right now. Oh yeah and Two bit kissy kissed her on the cheek then ran away like an idiot." After Pony's speech Pony gave a toothy grin at Darry. Darry, Soda, and I stood in shock while Johnny looked like he was used to it and Minnie was about to burst out laughing but tried to hold it in.

"Can we keep her Dar please," Soda pulled on the edge of Darry's shirt jokingly.

"If you and Pony didn't just scare the poor thing off then she is welcome to stay in Ruby's room until we can find her a more permanent place to stay," Darry chuckled at his younger brother's and looked at me making sure I was okay with her staying with me and I nodded.

"Thank you guys, you have no clue how much this means to me," Minnie looked up at them after finally composing herself from holding in a laughing fit.

"Come on Minnie I'll show you my room and we can see if we have anything that will fit you for tomorrow," I said already knowing that my mom's dresses would most likely fit her perfectly. She nodded and began to follow me.

"Well I am heading to the lot for the night," Johnny pipped up and I looked back at him.

"Johnny you know you can stay on our couch or something anytime right," I asked him but he just waved his hand about to refuse when I cut him off. "I worry about you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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