Chapter 2: Date?

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Okay, so maybe not ask Poppy on a date. Barb would probably just ask Poppy to hangout with her today. After all, they had grown close enough to the point where Barb could show up and ask Poppy if she wanted to hangout the day-of. It wasn't weird, right? Just showing up unannounced to a girls pod (whom you very much like) and asking her to hangout that day. No. Of course not.

At least, that's what Barb thought.

Okay I'll just ask her if she'd like to see a movie with me... today... and pick out the tickets as soon as we arrive. Ooh and I'll let her pick the movie as well. And buy her as many snacks as she wants. And buy her ticket for her. And buy her dinner afterward-

"Hey Barb have you seen Carol around anywhere?"


Barbs thoughts were interrupted by Riff, who had come into the bathroom.. without knocking.

"God Riff! Do you know anything about privacy?!" Barb questioned angrily.

"I'm sorry my Queen but.. really though have you seen Carol I need to talk to her."

"I believe I last saw her speaking to one of the groupies. Can't remember which one though."

"Okay, thank you Barb!" Riff exclaimed as he practically ran out of the bathroom, almost slipping and falling in the process.

I swear you can never get any privacy in this joint-

Barb stopped her thinking once more, she needed to stop thinking and start doing. She practically leapt from the bathroom to her Volcano Palaces' corridors to get a head start on her day. First things first, though, making sure she looks somewhat decent. She took a look at herself in one of the beaten-up cracked mirrors laying in one of the crevices of her palace. Not looking bad. Although, she thought to herself, she could use a little something on her eyes. She whipped out some eyeliner and went to work, making sure to put the black ink on the bottom parts of her eyes. Now she looked a little less... dead and more "hey Poppy wanna hangout today?"

Now all she had to do was actually step outside. Barb loves where she lives. The smell of burning wood everywhere, which gave herself a natural aroma whenever she traveled somewhere, the scent almost always overpowering her cologne. And the scenery was just beautiful. You may not think a volcano during the day is pretty, but at night when you can really see all the red orange colors mixing together, it's truly a sight for sore eyes. The only downside of where she lived was the ashes, they always found a way to get in her eyes (which could be an explanation as to why her eyes are always red).

Barb started to make her way down the steps and to her motor-buggy. She hopped on and started her cruise through the forest, screaming the lyrics to "Rock You Like a Hurricane" at the top of her lungs. The drive wasn't too long, maybe 20-25 minutes, and the scenery of the woods was absolutely stunning. It was only maybe 11:00 in the morning, so the sun was high in the sky, shining through the trees leaves and onto the grass leaving patterns on the ground. When Barb started to see the bright colors leading into the Kingdom of Pop, her heart started to drum loudly in her chest, so loud that she could hear it in her ears. As she approached Poppy's pod, she could feel her face start to burn. The thought of seeing Poppy made Barbs heart full of warmth and joy. She parked the buggy and started her walk up Poppy's stairs. She could feel her heart rate rising as she had risen her arm up to knock on the front door. She finally knocked. After hearing some shuffling around on the inside, she was greeted by a very surprised yet happy Poppy.

"Oh! Barb! What a surprise! How are you? What are you doing here? Is something wrong?"

Barbs face felt hot as she explained why she was there. "Well, Poppy, I was, uh, wondering if you'd, um, like to possibly hangout? Today? I totally understand if you can't because-"

"I'd love to hangout today Barb!! I've got nothing to do all day!" Poppy exclaimed as she interrupted Barb before she could even finish her sentence.

"Really?! I mean great! Awesome! C-Cool!" Barb was able to sputter out these few words before Poppy grabbed her by the hand and led her outside.

"Okay, so what are we gonna do first?" Poppy questioned Barb. "I-I thought we could maybe just like have a sleepover." Barb had hinted as she looked over to the bags on her Beetlebike, stuffed with pajamas,snacks, and possible movies her and Poppy could watch together.

Poppy gasped with a smile on her face as soon as Barb said something about a sleepover. She was without a doubt going to agree to it of course, but not before asking what they'd do at the sleepover.

"Oh.! Um, well we could watch a movie, or bake, or just talk y'know? If that's alright." Barb responded sheepishly. This would be her first sleepover in ages if Poppy were to say yes.

"That's sounds super fun!! I'd love to have a sleepover Barb!" Poppy said with glee. "Great! Well I have my bags right here if you wanna head inside now and start setting the sleepover kind of mood."

"Will do Barb!" Poppy responded quickly as she ran back up her pods stairs and into the kitchen where she began cleaning.

This nights going to be perfect Barb thought as she lugged her bags up the stairs and into Poppy's pod.


AKDHAKHDJSJDS THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT ON THE LAST CHAPTER AND FAVORITING THIS WORK. Seriously though like y'all are too sweet and kind 🥺 In the next chapter it's going to focus more on the sleepover and how Poppy might start developing feelings herself towards a certain rocker troll ;)

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