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We landed the Falcon on Kamar, barely escaping the incoming Imperial starfleet. Lara, N-2K8, Luke, and I ran out of the Falcon and into the rebel base, Leia greeting us upon arrival. "Good, you're here," she said, motioning for us to follow her. We joined Leia in walking to the command center. "The Imperial troops have landed on Kamar and are killing the innocent citizens of this planet," she said. "We have received news that they are heading this way to attack our base."

Luke, walking beside Leia, said, "we have to stop them." Leia nodded in agreement.

We entered the control room and walked to a monitor panel monitored by a young girl who looked about seven years old. "Jedi Master Luke," she said, standing and bowing respectfully. "I am Inda Laniko, and I'll be your co-pilot." I didn't know the rebellion had such young pilots.

"Pleasure to meet you, Inda. This is my padawan, Lumya, and Master Mara Jade's padawan, Lara," Luke said, motioning to me and Lara.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Padawan Lumya and Padawan Lara," Inda said. I sensed something in Inda right away, but decided not to tell anyone but Master Luke and Lara.

"We need to be getting to our battle stations," Leia said, and we followed her to a fleet of two-person X-wing fighters. Lara and I climbed into one while Luke and Inda climbed into another.

"Okay, let's launch," I said, preparing to man the blasters.

"Liftoff in three, two, one," Lara said, and we lifted off the floor and flew out of the docking bay. "You ready to fire?" Lara asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "You ready to do some pretty awesome maneuvers?" Lara laughed and said yes.

Luke and Inda flew up beside us. I saluted to them and Luke saluted back. The battle had begun. The rest of our fleet flew in behind us and seven AT-ATs appeared in the distance.

TIE-fighters flew in and blasted towards us. Lara pulled out X-wing into a somersault to dodge them. I fired a shot at the TIE-fighter, causing it to explode into oblivion. Seven more TIEs fell to the power of our fleet, only three X-wings destroyed.

"Wahoo!" I yelled, and shot down another TIE.

"Nice shot," Lara said.

"Nice flying," I remarked.

We flew to an AT-AT. "Fire the grappling hook," Lara shouted, and the long metal cord shot out from our ship and hooked on the AT-AT's front leg. We flew around it once, then I released the hook. We flew away just as the transport fell to the desert ground and exploded.

Apparently we started something with the grappling hooks, because the remaining AT-ATs all fell to the ground and exploded.

"Well, at least one thing's out of the way," Lara said.

"Yeah," I agreed, shooting down two TIEs. We flew down close to the ground and I shot down another TIE.

I heard an anonymous blast, and we began spiraling towards the ground, crash landing just before we fell off the side of a cliff. I heard a loud hissing noise and Lara pulled me out of the fighter just before it blew up.

"Surrender, Rebel scum," a voice said. I looked up. Stormtroopers. And a lot of them, at that.

"You thinking whatI'm thinking?" I asked Lara. She smiled and nodded. I put my hand on my lightsaber, silently mouthing a countdown. One, two, three! We jumped up and activated our sabers, deflecting blasts and killing troopers, while slowly making our way back to the base.

Several blasts shot in and hit some troopers. I looked up. It was Luke and Inda. We made our way back to the base, and upon arrival, were joined by several landing X-wings.

I felt a sharp pain across my left shoulder and looked down at it to find a singed blaster burn. That's gonna leave a mark. Well, we had won this battle.


Meanwhile, on the Star Destroyer...

"What?!?" Akan shouted angrily.

"All of our ground forces were blown away easily, as were our air forces," Admiral Shan explained cautiously.

"We need to up our game," Akan said to himself. "Fine. Carry out the retreat." Admiral Shan walked away and Akan remained silently in his quarters. "We will not run next time, rebels," Akan muttered to himself. "Next time, we will win."


Lumya: Battle on KamarWhere stories live. Discover now