~Chapter 8~

44 3 2

~Song  Not Needed~

" YOUR A WHAT"Grayson  yelled with anger

"Grayson I tried to explain this when you asked me to marry you  but you didn't listen"Holly explained 

Grayson was so enraged at his wife he got up and slammed the front door

The Krew were still in shock Holly looked at her blue haired child

"Kat are you alright"

"I'm alright mom don't worry"Kat hugged her mother

"Soo... what are we gonna do"Kim asked

"About what your father"Holly asked

"Yeah that"Kim said slowly

"Let's not worry about it right now"Betty smiled

"How about this little wolf invites her boyfriend~~ over to meet the family"Allen says in a stupid voice

"ALLEN"Kat yelled

"You have a boyfriend!?!?!"Holly smiled widely

"Fine... I'll invite him over tomorrow since it's Saturday"Kat says *Yawn*

"Looks like the Kitty needs A 'Kat Nap"Betty laughed while the rest of the Krew looked upset

"Nooooooo Not The Cat Punssssss"Kat yelled running to her room

~Kat's Room~

*Sigh* well what an eventful day. But at lest they accept me heh

Just they I got a text from Alec

~My Love💗~Hey Babe how are you

~Kat~ I'm doing fine but I have something to ask you

~My Love💗~ Ok what's up

~Kat~My Family wants to meet you

~My Love💗~Wait Really!?!?


~My Love💗~But I thought you said your family couldn't find out about me because I am a Werewolf

~Kat~Well they just found out about me being a Werewolf today and my brother who was the only one that knew about us opened his big fat mouth and said something😡

~My Love💗~Haha so when do you want me to come over

~Kat~ Tomorrow morning if that's ok with you

~My Love💗~Haha yeah that's fine i'll tell my mom that i'm going to see you

~Kat~I Just realized that I still have to meet your family

~My Love💗~Yeah your right maybe you can meet them tomorrow too

~Kat~ I don't see why not

~My Love💗~First where do you live

~Kat~I live on 367 Eastwood Ave

~My Love💗~Alright well i'll see you tomorrow, Love you💗💗💗

~Kat~ I Love you to UwU

~My Love💗~ see you at like 10:30?

~Kat~Ok that's great my father's on a trip for awhile

~My Love💗~ Alright Bye

~Kat~ Bye

~Alec's Pov~

~Alec~Alright Bye

~My Little Wolf 💙~Bye

~End Of Chat~

Man I love her, Now I have to tell Mom that Kat is coming over

"Hey Mom"

"What's up Hun"Mom asked

"Well I wanted to say that I am going to meet My Girlfriend's family tomorrow at 9:00 am, and then she will be coming here to meet you and Aly"I explained

"Alright I can't wait to meet her"Mom smiled

"What's going on"Aly asked come over

"You guys will be meeting my girlfriend tomorrow"I explained

"Oh Alright"Aly smiled

~Starlight has entered the Chat~

What's up my Stars i'm sorry it took a little and that this chapter is very short but I hope you still enjoyed. I kinda lost inspiration for a hot minute But anyway I hope you Day, Night, Evening, or whatever time of day it for you is full of Love, Happiness, and Hope in these times I Love you All


~Starlight has left the Chat~

(Word count 535)

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