Chapter 17

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Warning: This chapter is disturbing, please read at your own risk.

"What do you want from me Hiso?"

"Something more valuable than intimacy~♥"

Resting my hands on my hips and scoffed. "And always that is that exactly? A fight to the death?"

"Mmm~♥ As much I would adore that," He stopped talking and lend to me. "Being entertained by you seems more appetizing~♥" He then moves to my ear and whispered. "How does that I'm sound~♥,"

I chuckled, not giving in. "Someone seems horny..Machi obviously can't please a man huh?" Grabbing ahold of his collar I brought him closer, brushing my lips against his. His cologne infiltrated my nose, a nostalgic smell, I knew all too well. Sliding his hand onto the wall Hisoka reinsured his dominance as I teased him.

"Not sure if you understood me but I'm out of your the fuck do you truly want hiso?" I growled softly.

"Your brother and his friends are coming to heavens area. Thought you would know,"

In a swift movement I switched our positions. His back was against the wall as I  held a dagger underneath his neck. Hisoka was well aware of my soft spot for Seisyou. Mentioning his name will immediately send me through the roof.

Keep your emotions in check (Y/n)! He's trying to get a reaction out of you!

"I swear Hisoka if you prey on my brother, I'll slice off your dick and feed it to vultures. Am I clear?"

"Is that so?"

"I'm wasting my time with you," I loosen my grip and proceeded to the door once again. Once I reached my room I ate my food without any interruptions. For what felt like hours, it was as if the earth stood completely still. Surrounded with nothing but peace.  Even the simple task of breathing felt pleasant. I took this perfect opportunity and bathe. Submerging myself into warm water eased every muscle in my body. I released a sighed and closed my eyes.


Reaching for a towel I reopened my eyes and witnessed the bath water filled with red dark liquid. My eyes widened at the sight before me. The only time I've witnessed something similar, is when I observe my victim's blood oozing from their stab wound. I scooped some of the water into my hands and felt something throbbing. When the object was fully out of the water I stared at it with disgust.

What the hell?!

In my hand was a human heart with a rapid pulse. My breath quicken as I stared at this horrific sight. I immediately jumped out of the bathtub and wrapped a towel around my body. To make sure I wasn't hallucinating I peek over to tub. As if it was timed perfectly other organs flooded to the surface. I panicked and ran out of the bathroom. However, the worst was yet to come. No longer I stood in my hotel room but in a dark hallway. In the distance I saw a light and followed it. As I became closer I heard cries of what sounded like a child. I quicken my pace trying to save the child from whatever it was. What lie before me was a small girl who look no younger than five years old, being injected. Her movements was restricted by the ropes that were tied around her legs and arms. The young girls eyes were filled will tears and her skin was so pale you could see her green veins. The mere sight of it made me want to throw up.

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