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🎵Now I'm heels over head,
I'm hangin' upside-down
Thinkin' how you left me for dead
California bound🎵
Heels over head, BoysLikeGirls

Helena found herself crying at the end of the movie. She couldn't believe they killed off iron man. Her and Phoenix were the last ones to leave the theatre. They wanted to watch and see what was at the end. Helena had high hopes for something to do with Loki.

As soon as they we're back at their apartment Helena started cooking a quick dinner. It was already getting pretty late but she felt guilty putting him to bed with candy and popcorn being his dinner.

H- please tell me Loki is still alive?!? He has to be. He disappeared with the tesseract during the time travel.. lol I'm ranting I know

Her phone immediately goes off. That was fast she thinks.

T- oh darling, does Loki ever really die?

She squeals out loud. She knew it! "What mommy?" Phoenix asks sweetly from the floor as he's playing with legos. Helena giggles and shakes her head.
"Nothing sweetie. Just thinking about the movie." Her son laughs and goes back to playing.

H- and how could they kill Tony like that? 😭 I'm gutted lol

T- that seems to be the general consensus lol so Did you enjoy it?

She finished making the Mac and cheese before replying. "Here you go baby." She says hanging Phoenix a bowl. He thanks get and starts eating. She thinks about her answer before replying.

H- yes and no.. I felt it was extremely sad. More than just Tony's death. Thor's moment with Frigga was also sad to me. The fact that Loki didn't get resurrected as well, oof black widow.

H- Wanda and Vision 😭

After she hit send she started eating her own dinner. Smiling at her son as she does so. "Is it good baby?" He giggles. "Yes mommy. Thank you."

T- i agree, many of them ended tragically...So what are your weekend plans?

After they finished eating she took him to his room and tucked him in. Putting him in his cute little Thor pjs. "Mommy loves you." She says kissing him goodnight.
"Love you too mommy." His cute little voice whispers as he's already shutting his eyes.

She makes her way back to the dining room
And cleans everything up when she realizes she never texted Tom back.

H- sorry, I was putting little man to bed. No plans my way. I was thinking about going to the lake this weekend. Renting a small cabin or hotel room and just spending time on the water.
H- what about you? Any plans?

Tom chuckles as he sat in the air port. He takes a quick selfie of himself surrounded by planes in the background. And sends it to her.

T- I'm traveling actually. Spending time on the lake sounds fun.

He looks around hoping no one notices him. One girl smiles at him but he thinks she's just being friendly.

H- you look handsome <3

Tom smiles.

T- well can I get a photo of you darling?

Toms plane is getting ready to board so he puts his phone back in his pocket and grabs his bag. After boarding the plane he pulls out his phone to see a beautiful picture of Helena. She was sitting in her bed, her hair Curley and draped around her shoulders.

T- you look beautiful darling! My plane will be taking off shortly but I'll text you tomorrow. I hope you have a good night.

Tom turned his phone off and tucked it into his pocket. He was excited to see her tomorrow, he wanted to tell her now but he didn't want to ruin the surprise.

Early in the morning Helena woke up to Taylor Swifts voice. She looked around confused before realizing it was the ringtone on her phone. No one ever called her. She normally just got texts. She quickly picked up her phone and pressed accept.

"Hello?" She asks yawning. She glances at the clock on her nightstand. It was 6am.

"Hello beautiful ." Toms voice spoke from the other side. She instantly was wide awake and butterflies flew throughout her stomach.

"Good morning Tom. To what do I owe this pleasure?" She giggles Into the phone.

"I must admit something." Something about his tone made her nervous.

"What's that?" She asks climbing out of her bed. She tip toes through the apartment opening Phoenix's door quietly checking on him. He was still asleep and she smiled.

"I'm in town..I wanted to surprise you but I find that I have no idea where exactly you live." Tom laughs. Did she hear him right? This wasn't a very nice joke.

"Haha." She says after a moment. Tom laughs again.

"Seriously darling. I'm at the Comfort Inn right now. I got a room for the next few days."

"Your serious?" She breaths out. Her legs have gone to jello.

"Yes darling. But there is no pressure. I just wanted to see you again and I had some time off from work so I figured this would be a good time."

"Would you like me to come pick you up?" She asks quickly. She can hear the relief in his voice.

"That would be lovely darling, thank you."

"I can be there in 30 minutes. I need to wake Phoenix and get him ready then we can head that way." 

"Thank you beautiful. Let me know when your here and I'll meet your outside." Tom said before ending the call.

Suddenly she was nervous for a different reason. This would be the first time she brought her son around a different man that wasn't his father. Was it a bad idea? They weren't technically anything. Just a fling possibly friends? She didn't want to confuse her son. But at the same time this was Tom Hiddleston, and it was okay to bring friends around as long as she didn't make it a big deal.

Helena went back into her sons room and turned on the light. As she approaches her sons dresser she pulls out an outfit for him to wear before sweetly waking him up. "I have a surprise for you." Phoenix opens his blue eyes and blinks a few times before yawning.

"What kind of surprise?" He asks. Helena laughs and shakes her head.

"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise."

It's what I've always wanted (Tom Hiddleston Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now