Diagon Alley

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"I can't believe this is it!" I very nearly screeched, racing toward the stairs. You can never tell when each staircase is going to move, and if you don't go fast, you might catch yourself being transported in a direction you did not want to go. "I finally get to shop for my own Hogwarts things!" I fling myself at the banisters, pulling myself up so that I'm straddling it and slide down, giggling more and more as I gain speed. I fly off the end, just barely managing to land on my feet.

"Have mercy, child," Professor Sprout puffs from the top of the stairs. "Not all of us are so young anymore."

I cover my mouth with a hand so she can't see that I'm smiling. "I'm sorry, Professor Sprout. I'm just so excited!"

She finally reaches me, pausing to dab at her sweaty forehead with a cloth she usually keeps tucked into the pocket of her robes. "I'm sure you are, Jocelyn. It's a big deal, after all. You're finally old enough to be a student. Although I'd wager you already know plenty more than a lot of the first years you'll be in class with."

I hook my arm through hers so that I won't be tempted to bolt off and leave her behind again. "I wonder what house the sorting hat will put me in."

She smiles down at me fondly, patting my hand. "Well, we wouldn't say no to you joining Hufflepuff, but I suspect you'll end up elsewhere, and they'll be lucky to have you." I hug her arm, a silent thanks for her encouragement. "Now. Do you have your coin purse?"

I pat the front pocket of my jeans. "I do. Dad reminded me to bring it about thirty times this morning." I roll my eyes with a smile.

"Well, let's get a move on, then. We have quite a bit of travel ahead of us."

"I know!" I shriek, dancing and twirling through the Great Hall. "I finally get to go to Diagon Alley!"

"You make it sound as though it's such a special place," she chuckles.

"But it is! We never go further than Hogsmeade, and I've heard the other kids talking. There's so much more to see, so much more to do! I had to practically beg on bended knee to even get Dad to agree to let me go. He said I could get practically everything I need in Hogsmeade, but I'm tired of the same old shops. I want to do something new, have an adventure!" I clap my hands. "I can hardly wait!"

That sets me off, again, and I'm mid-twirl when I bump into something solid, knocking myself backward a few paces. "And just where-" a voice drawls, "do you think you are going?"

"Uncle Sev!" I bound forward again, taking a flying leap so I can wrap my arms around the neck of Severus Snape, my godfather and adopted uncle. Uncle Sev catches a lot of backlash because he's a little bit of an oddball. He's not quick to praise, and moments of affection are few and far between, but he's been kind to me over the years, taking pity on a little girl bored to tears when her father had far too much business to attend to and didn't have time to play with her. He's doctored scraped knees and held me while I sobbed my heart out more than once, and I will always love him for stepping in when I needed someone.

He doesn't wrap his arms around me the same way I do him, but he does give the top of my head a few affectionate pats. "Off to do your shopping, I see."

"Mhm." I let go of him, dropping to the floor. "I'm excited to finally learn Potions from you! You can't tell me I'm not old enough tp play with your ingredients anymore. I'll try not to blow anything up, I promise."

"Mm. Can't wait," he deadpans.

"Alright, come on, dear girl. We have a schedule to keep to," Professor Sprout reminds me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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