Zodiacs in a Horror movie

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Aries- ... the first to die

Taurus- The one to come just to find everyone dead

Gemini- The one who discovers who/what the killer is

Cancer- The one who says "Hi? Who's there? Do you want cookies?" to see if the killer will answer

Leo- The one who tries to fight back and then dies

Virgo- Bravely scarifies themselves  

Libra- The one who tells everyone "STAY CALM!! DON"T FREAK OUT" and freaks themselves out

Scorpio- The one who runs out the front door instead of the stairs and runs to the police station

  Sagittarius- Secretly working with the killer

Capricorn- The one who snaps and goes a murder spree

Aquarius- the one who makes  it to the end

Pisces- The one who screams at everything 

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