Coffee shops are for angsty teens and digital artists(chapter 1)

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{Korekiyo's P.O.V}
07:33 a.m. I wake up at this precise time everyday. Not for any particular reason, other than Angie, my favourite barista. Her shift starts at 08:15 a.m and I like to make sure I'm her first customer. Plus the college is only a 10 minute walk from the shop and my first class starts at 10:00 a.m so I have some time to chat to her.
As I exit my room my eyes instantly shoot to the couch. As usual, Saihara is passed out. Papers surround him and three of my mugs are half full of coffee. I empty them out into the sink, stack his papers into their correct piles(I know because the classes we take are basically the same) and put a blanket over his shoulders.
"What would Maki think if she saw you like this, huh?" I mutter to myself quietly. It's a good thing his first class is at 11:30 a.m, my free period, so I can come back and make sure he leaves.

~Time skip~

I place my laptop and papers into my rucksack and close the front door softly behind me, as to not wake him. The door locks with a small click and I make my way down the apartment stairs. It's unusually warm for November but hey, I not going to complain. The complexity of nature only makes our world stand out more.

~Time skip brought to you by the really lazy author~

As usual the coffee shop is pretty quiet for this time of day. I walk up to the counter expecting to hear the normal accented, chirpy voice I heard every day, but instead
"Hey what can I get for you today?"
"...just the usual.."
"Oh sorry... I'm could you elaborate perha-"
Why is there a peculiar green haired individual taking Angie's place? And why did he stop talking? Is it the mask? My hair? My eyes? My unusual complextio-
"Sorry, I'm Rantaro Amami. I'm assuming you're looking for Angie, she told me about her regular. I was just startled about how accurately timed it was. Anyways, what would you like to order?"
So there's nothing wrong with how I look, huh? That's a new one.
"J-just a tall iced black coffee thanks.."
"Okay, any room for cream?"
"No thanks."
Does he really think I need a creamer? What's wrong with black coffee?
"Okay that'll be $3.67 thanks."
I reach for my wallet and hand him a $5 bill, take my change and go to wait-
"Wait, what's the name for the cup?"
"Okie dokie!"
Atua help me how is someone so chirpy this time of day? Not even Angie is this awake and she's the happiest person I know. Granted I don't know a lot of people, but you get the gist.

{No P.O.V}

A lot of people inside the shop stared at Korekiyo, trying to be as far away as possible. His outside demeanour wasn't the friendliest, he could admit, and yet he still felt his anxiety swell when people edged away. As if despite them being as far as possible, he knew they were watching. Just the thought of it made his skin crawl.
"Kiyo!! Your drink's done!" Amami almost yelled it in excitement, as if he'd finished a quest. Korekiyo simply stopped leaning on the back of a chair, walked towards the counter(causing more people to edge away), picked up his cup and nodded to Rantaro. He then proceeded to turn on his heel and leave the shop as briskly as possible. He should've been used to the stares yet somethings never changed. As he had an hour or so to kill before his class started, Kiyo went back to the apartment.
Shuichi was now awake, well kind of. He was standing almost upright, but mostly leaning on Maki.
"Good morning Harukawa. Saihara."
Shuichi simply grunted in response, which earned a small slap out of his girlfriend.
"He means good morning, Shinguji."

{Text messages between Rantaro and Angie}

Angie: Sooooo, how's your first day been so far?
Rantaro: Your regular is scary but also like really hot-
Angie: I see, Atua tells me that Amami~chan got flustered upon meeting him!!
Rantaro: I suppose you could call it that:,)
Angie: I'm quite happy Atua was correct, although that is a given for every situation I ask him for advice in!!
Rantaro: Well I have to go, I need to get home and change for my classes. Later Yonaga~
Angie: Fairwell Amami~chan!!
(Read 09:37)

Word count: 759
Thanks for reading the first chapter of this mess. I quite recently discovered this ship and it instantly became my otp!! It's so soft and I feel like Rantaro would be great at comforting Korekiyo in times of anxiety or trauma. Hope you enjoy and I'll see you in the next chapter~~

Coffee shop~~ An amaguji fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang