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A plane lands in Rio before the cargo hold opens up to reveal Agent Luke Hobbs.
"All right, listen up!" Luke orders as he walks out of the plane. "The men we're after are professional runners. They like speed and are guaranteed to go down the hardest possible way so make sure you got your funderwear on. We find them, we take them as a team, and we bring them back. And above all else, we don't ever, ever let them get into cars. Crime scene is 10 hours old and counting, men. Let's go hunting."
"Agente Hobbs! Chief of Police, João Alemeida," João introduces himself as he walks over to Luke.
"Luke," Luke corrects him.
"Sorry to hear about the loss of your men," João says as he follows Luke, who is flipping through some files. "Is all this really necessary to apprehend two men?"
"Let me tell you something about these two men," Luke says as he closes the file. "One is a former federal officer, been in deep cover for five years. He knows every way you're going to come for him. The other one is a professional criminal, escapes prison twice, spent half his life on the run avoiding folks like you."
"Well, if there's anything we can do to help the DSS..." João starts but is interrupted.
"Two things," Luke says as he interrupts him. "One, I need two translators."
"We have plenty in the public relations department," João tells him.
"Artemis Evans and Elena Neves," Luke states, having already picked them out. Luke hands the files to João.
"Two patrol officers?" João asks him confused.
"You heard me," Luke answers him.
"But why? We have many more experienced people," João asks him.
"I like their smiles," Luke answers and though he wouldn't admit it out loud, he thinks Artemis is gorgeous.
"What's the second thing?" João asks as he gives up on changing his mind.
"Stay the fuck out of my way," Luke answers as he finally turns to face João before getting into a truck.

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