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Luke is looking through the remains of the train before pulling something out from where they had cut into the side of the train.

"Plasma cutter," Luke states as he looks at the piece of metal. "Wilkes, I want a list of every place within 50 miles that distributes compressed gas tanks. Pass me that manifest." Luke drops the piece of metal into the bag that Wilkes holds out. Wilkes then passes Luke a file.

"Officer Evans and Officer Neves. Been waiting for you," Luke says as they walks up.

"You asked for us?" Elena asks him.

"I did," Luke answers her.

"May I ask why? Our smiles are not that great," Elena says with a blank face.

"Your husband was an officer who was gunned down in the favela. Six months later, you upped and joined the force. Then your father was an officer who was also gunned down. You joined the force as soon as you could. You're both motivated," Luke explains before one of his team members pull up. "Plus, I figure you're the only two in Rio who can't be bought. Am I right?"

"Yes," Artemis answers with a nod.

"Of course I am," Luke says with a smile, causing Artemis to have to fight back a smile because she finds his contagious.

"Good news, bad news," Hunt says as he walks over.

"You know I like my dessert first," Luke states as he looks at him.

"Back-checked the rail line like you asked. Found a couple of spots where they unloaded the cars," Hunt starts explaining. "One set of tracks headed west until it hit the main highway, the disappeared. But another set of tracks headed east. A 107-inch wheelbase, eight and a half inch tread."

"It's a GT40," Artemis says, earning a nod of approval from Luke.

"The GT40 that was missing from the manifest," Luke states in agreement.

"Followed the trail a couple of miles," Hunt says with a nod. "Pretty easy on the scrub. Can't move without leaving a sign."

"Give me the damn veggies," Luke tells him knowing the bad news is coming.

"The ground rolls into a hardpack and we lost that track, too," Hunt explains as Elena and Artemis share a look.

"Not necessarily," Artemis tells him. "That road heads up through the hills into the favelas. Couple of years ago, it was washed out by a storm. It's all dirt a mile from where you were. If they headed that way, we'll pick up their tracks there."

"You come prepared," Luke comments.

"I'm motivated," Artemis responds with a half smirk, causing Luke to smile.

"All right, then. Lets find ourselves a car," Luke orders before they head out.

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