Who knew Werewolves were a thing ?

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Ryan was standing in the bright and airy throne room, he glanced up at his mother, the powerful yet graceful Adephagia. Her dark hair glowed in the sunlight. "I have found another world for you, my child. This one is full of werewolves so be on your guard." She warned and patted her son on the head. She opened up a glowing green portal and Ryan stepped through to take a look at this strange new world.He found himself in a temperate forest filled with trees and ferns and a wide range of plants. "This is perfect now all I have to do is find some adorable boys." He grinned as he went to find a developed area. His spear was strapped to his back and covered in a sheet and he was carrying a backpack filled with his personal belongings.

He made it to the road where as fate would have it, there was a Jeep traveling in the direction of the Newton tree area. "Hey what are you doing here?" Asked a gangly looking guy. The driver peered at him curiously and there were two others as well in there. Suddenly there was a growl. "Scott, he's got a spear! A buff blonde growled. "Why do you have a spear?" Scott the driver questioned.

Ryan just hugged his spear defensively. "First of all that's a great way to say hello." he rolled his eyes."And second of all there are many ... creatures who don't exactly like me and others like me so that is why i have this spear. " The slender teen glared at the group wondering if he was going to have to fight someone. "And third of all this spear was a gift from my mother." he said as he glanced around the area analysing what plants were nearby for him to use.

"I'm sorry," Scott said. "No, don't apologize," Theo and Stiles looked at each other as they said it at the same time. "A gift from your mother who is that?" Theo inquires while Stiles stares at Ryan. "It's just an unusual thing to have." Theo felt odd around the Guy which made his hackles rise. He had an instinct about things which definitely said there was something up but he wasn't sure what.Stiles looked at Scott. "There's a guy coming from the woods with a spear. You know what doesn't strike you as odd?"

"How do I describe mother ? She is sort of .... Kind of ... Ummm I'll get back to you on that one." Ryan grins as he is unsure how do describe his mother with out one of the other goddess coming to murder him. "Point is, some of my relatives are incredibly jealous ." he explains but he doesn't tell them any more.

"I see," Theo hmmmwd. "Oh lay off it," Scott said . "He doesn't seem dangerous. "Still let me test, " Theo said, getting out. "Just to see if he knows how to use it or is dangerous." He grinned facing off a buff muscular blonde guy who had the look of an angel but the smirk he had fought others. Then he came at Ryan.

Ryan who was a little startled jumped back. "Oh so much for me staying in one piece ." He sighed as he started to glow a vibrant green. "Needle spray!" he yells as he causes a shower of sharped pine needles to put distance between himself and Theo.

"Interesting,"Theo says dodging it. "You have powers. He then leaped forward with ferocious speed bringing out clAws. "I don't need to hide these then as he goes for Ryan."Really guys there's no reason for this " Scott says. "We have to find out more;" Theo says. "The quickest way is to see his Skills. Ryan unties his spear and slams it into the ground. His vibrant green glow has changed into a deep purple one. "Sand trap! '' he yells as the ground around him and Theo is transformed into quicksand . "I am trying to keep myself alive as you were the one who decided to strike first." Ryan sighed as he narrowly avoided being clawed by Theo only having one of his favourite mint green t-shirts ripped in the process. "Nice dodge, a close one," Theo says holding the remnants of the t-shirt. "Don't worry I won't kill you, I'm just seeing what a nice tap would do and exercise. And as I want to see what you're capable of. This is informative "Theo stop it," Scott growls eyes glowing red. Theo sighs and pull back
"As you wish," he says to Scott.

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