Zeus Blessing

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"You want me to what," Artemis shrieked?

"Before I was so rudely interrupted I said that you have to make me look like that pathetic excuse of a demigod Jack Dudly, so I may get Zeus blessing and be powerful enough to kill anybody and anything in my way," Percy explained.

"What makes you think that my father would be willing to give him his blessing any way."

"Well I was uh spying on camp half-blood when Zeus flashed in and told Jack that he would give him anything he wanted. So I'm just going to take the chance before he can."

"Alright fine but, if we are caught I'm giving you up to the council," Artemis sighed.

"Only if you want the hunters to die," he said giving her his signature grin.

"Fine I will take the blame or maybe Apollo."

He nodded with a small smile thinking about how pissed Apollo would be. "Alright moon goddess let's get moving."

Artemis let out a small growl of annoyance before following behind him. Once at the elevator to Olympus Artemis snapped her fingers changing Percy's appearance to that of the ugly pig.

After Percy looked into a mirror that she had conjured they set off to get Percy a blessing. The goddess  of the Moon and childbirth stepped forward pushing the throne room doors open as she did. Walking in only to find her father sitting on his throne staring into space.

"Father I must speak to you, it is an urgent matter."Zeus jumped a little finally noticing that his favourite daughter was in the room. "Okay what is it that you need daughter," Zeus said.

"I think it would be a good idea to for you to bless the son of Ares Jack Dudley."

Zeus looked at his daughter as if she had grown a second head.

"You want me to bless a demigod, a male no less because of what." "He has been kind to my hunters and defends them when the other males at camp half-blood try to flirt with them."

Zeus pondered this for a moment before nodding his head. "I agree he has been proving himself like no other demigod." "Thank you father I am very thankful for your agreement to this idea," Artemis lied through her shining white teeth.

She walked to the doors and knocked on them. A moment later "Jack Dudley" walked in and one else before the king of the gods.

"Lord Zeus." "Ah yes it seems my daughter has been pestering me to give you my blessing so I have agreed on one condition".

"Oh shit," Percy thought. "You must swear your allegiance to Olympus." "Yes your majesty." Zeus sat straighter and puffed his chest out a little when he was called "your majesty".

Percy swore on the styx and looked up at Zeus expectantly. Zeus stood up and put his hand on the demigods head. The moment his hand was upon Percy's head it started to pulse with power and had small tendrils of electricity spiking out from the Lord of the Skies hand.

When he removed his hand he stepped back and looked at the boy before him.

"You now have the same power as me, just on a smaller level and lightning will heal you as well," Zeus said before flashing out in a massive lightning bolt. "Drama Queen,"  Percy muttered.

"Alright can I go now," Artemis complained. Percy let a small chuckle escape. "What," she growled!

"I just thought I would never see the day Artemis the powerful huntress complain like a small child." "Whatever," she snapped and left in a flash.

Percy shadow traveled to Hades throne room just in time for more training with the Lord of the undead. "Hello Perseus."

"It's Percy." Hades nodded with a smile tugging at his lips like he did it just to piss the demigod off. "Anyway ready for more training."

"Nope I need a nap from my past few hours of having my wonderful free time," Percy said a little too nervously. Hades raised an eyebrow and then looked more closely at the boy. He seemed to hum with power. Then he saw the eyes. They were still the same sea green irises with the black ring around them courtesy of Hades blessing.

The pupils though had been turned into a dark blue that seemed to have sparks of electricity shoot around like a small lightning storm.

"What the hell happened to your eyes Jackson," Hades shouted.

Percy rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Um I might have forced Artemis to serve me the first day after you resurrected me and she helped me gain Zeus blessing ".

Hades just stared at his nephew in complete shock. "You managed to convince the Goddess of the Moon and Hunt to serve you. How."

"I uh threatened to kill her hunters if she didn't agree or revealed me to the council." Percy expected to slapped or some form of punishment ready for him but, what he wasn't ready for was his uncle to bust out laughing.

"You managed to get her to obey your command and get Zeus blessing from right under his nose. That is awesome Perseus. Just for doing something that I wouldn't have even dreamed of you doing for the mission you get two days off."

At the mention of getting away from the underworld for a couple of days Percy's mood brightened incredibly.

"Thank you uncle," Percy bowed be fore turning on his heel and sprinting out of his uncle's throne room as fast as he could.

"I am free," Percy shouted to nobody with joy!

He ran straight for his room grabbing a midnight black bag from the corner of his room and started to fill it with the necessities like ambrosia, nectar, mortal cash, drachmas, his weapons, a piece of magical cloth that turns into a tent, and last but, not least food.

"Great now I'm ready for a great hunt and hopefully I won't run into the hunters of Artemis or anything else," he mumbled.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Two Days Later>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Walking through the woods was a boy with raven black hair and piercing sea green eyes holding a black bow with black stygian iron arrows shooting hellhounds when ever he came across them.

Unfortunately for him so we're the hunters of Artemis and the goddess herself was not with them. While they were sprinting in his direction without knowing it he was slowly heading towards them as well.

Bad place for him to be hunting.

A/N So guys go check out Prince_Arther00 and his book the Abled.

Also this was kind of a cliff hangar for the next chapter so by.

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