What blood type are you?

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Hitch anxiously peeked through the tent flap, then looked back at Troy. "You might wanna hurry up Sarge, they've almost got that fire put out!"

Troy scanned the last card, "Nothing!" He shuffled through them once again, this time noting the names at the top of the cards. He turned to Dietrich. "What blood type are you?" Dietrich's cigarette fell out of his hand as it slowly dropped to his side.

"I was afraid you'd ask that." Dietrich made as if to reach into the drawer, then slammed it into Troy's hand, knocking his gun away. Dietrich ran for the back of the tent, because Hitch as at the front. Troy jumped after him, tackling him to the ground. Dietrich managed to land a few good rounds before Troy knocked him out.

Troy rolled Dietrich over, and reached into his shirt at the same time. He pulled out Dietrich's tags, then squinted as he tried to read them. "Hauptmann Hans Dietrich, Blutgruppe: B Negativ." He looked at Hitch, "He's a match."

A/N: Sorry it's so short! ~Dottie

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