Chapter: 9 Two promises

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"You let her get away?" A tall woman with (h/c) hair stormed around the room.

"My bad, " a young brunette girl swung her extremely slender and bruised legs back and forth as they dangled from the desk." You can't blame me though, she still had enough strength to move, and she got far away from the original spot."

"Are you trying to say it's my fault," the woman's voice started to rise," never, and I mean never, implicate that my poisons are at fault!"

The girl raised her arms, in fear, of being beaten again, but her mother only sighed. She sat at her desk and commenced to work on a new solution to the current predicament.

"Check on your brother," she ordered, not bothering to glance up from her task," he must be in perfect condition before the auction."

"Yes, mother."

"Don't call me that," she barked," as far as I'm concerned, I have no children!"

"Yes, miss (L/n)."

"Better, now get out of my sight, you useless child."

The young girl strolled through the manor and advanced her way towards her brother's room. Sobbing erupted from behind the door, driving the girl to run rapidly despite the state of her legs. She unlocked the door, and her eyes landed on the little boy who could only sit and cry as his sister approached. 

"Stop that, right now," she hushed," I should be crying, not you, are you hungry, or is it something else."

After taking care of his needs, she laid him down for a nap in his crib. She curled up on the floor, watching as the sinister shadows danced across the room. A muffled cry came from the girl, her body shook violently, trying to keep in her emotions. The only thing she had ever know was this estate. She could leave and never come back, but she needed to take care of him. He was her only reason for staying, but soon he would be gone. He was extraordinary just like you, but she wasn't her abilities were nothing compared to the two of you. He was just a baby, and you were the one they abandoned, so why did they suddenly care about you now. What made you so special? It was her birthday, but all they cared about was you. They wanted you and not her. They didn't love you, of course, but the effort they put into finding you was enough for her to despise you.

"Once they're gone, I can leave," she promised herself," I'll find a place just for me, I'll make friends and get a family."

"I can't let them take you, though," she looked at the baby sound asleep," I'll take you with me, but I need a plan."

"I'll get us out of here, I swear."

That night she laid awake, devising a plan that would save them both, a strategy that involved you. Whether or not that was good, was up to you, but you weren't aware of that at least, not at the moment.

"What was found in her body before is gone now," the doctor explained.

"It was made especially for her," he continued," the person who did this knew their target, and that just so happened to be her."

"How long will the effects last," your grandfather stood over your body as you laid unconscious and in pain.

"Not too much longer give her a month, and her health will be back to normal," he started to pack his things.

"When will she wake up?"

"I'm not sure."

"Nothing can be done, then?"

"I'm afraid not."

"Thank you, doctor."

The doctor left the room, leaving just you and your grandfather. He made his way over to the left side of the bed and took a seat in a nearby chair. The rest of the family were looking for leads on the person or people who did this to you. Your father and brother, Illumi, were getting into contact with associates they knew. Milluki was researching, much to his dismay, about the liquid that put you in such a state. Your mother looked for anything that would heal you faster, but that plan got rejected. Everything they gave you did not affect you in the slightest, and giving you anything else might endanger you more. You, however, were trapped inside your memory. Reliving a moment you had desperately tried to forget.


"Where are we going, mom?" A young girl held tightly to her mother's hand as her father led the way through the darkened halls. The floor creaked with every step they took, there were no windows, to the small girl, it was like the outside world, didn't exist. Her mother ignored her question and continued to drag her along. At the end of the corridor was a large door, there was no handle, just a slide opening to look through. Her father knocked once, then an additional two times, and finally four times.

After a few minutes, a gruff voice answered from the other side of the door.

"What do you want," his eyes held a hateful gleam as he spoke.

"Tell the doctor we're here for the deal."

The man only huffed in response before shutting the little hatch. The door opened, and the woman pushed the young girl ahead of her. The room was so dirty, it was disgusting. The walls, riddled with stains, had holes, and claw marks. There was only a single light hanging from the ceiling swaying slightly. A tall, slender man came into view, he had long grey hair, and a face covered in scratches.

 "Ah, the (L/n)'s," he laughed," I've been expecting you'll!"

"Yes, yes," the father grabbed hold of you," do you have what we want?"

The man bent down in front of her and grabbed hold of her face, tilting it from side to side. After getting a good look, he snapped his fingers, and a woman appeared.

"Hello there, little one." Her voice was calm and friendly, the smile she wore, was genuine.

"Could you please tell me your name?"

"My name's Y/n."

She nodded and took hold of your hand," what a lovely name you have, you may call me Rose (if this is your name feel free to change it). I will be taking care of you for a while."

You turned to your parents," what about them?"

"Y/n dear, we'll come back we promise," your mother waved her hand you goodbye while looking at what the man had offered.

That was the last thing you saw. Your parents gave you away for money, of course, you were unaware. However, soon the hard truth would hit you.

"You promised."

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