The Man With The Black Cloak

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  "Good night, Hinata!"
  Hinata Ito, a 12-year-old girl living in a small cottage in town, was going to bed. Of course, she was nowhere near tired or sleepy at all. Her head was always flowing with images and ideas; she had a great imagination. To kill time until she was tired, she decided to draw anything that came into mind.

  As time passed by, Hinata became sleepy, and she also finished her drawing. Hinata finally tucked herself in and drifted off to sleep.


"Good morning, Hinata!" The curtains open, letting the sunlight flow inside Hinata's room.
  Hinata groans, "Morning, haha.." (haha is a way to say mother in Japanese)                                            "Someone still sounds tired."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   "Well, that's because I am."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           "Well, hurry up and get ready. We're going to your aunt Himari's house."

  Hinata stretched and got up to get ready. She showered, got dressed, brushed her teeth and hair, and had steamed rice, miso soup, and grilled fish for breakfast.

  Hinata's aunt's house was only a few houses away, so Hinata and her mother walked there. While they were walking to Hinata's aunt's house, Hinata noticed a mysterious black figure walking around the forest, as if it was waiting for something, or someone. She didn't think much of it, so she ignored it and continued to let her mind flow with imagination.

  They finally reached the house, Hinata's mother knocked.

  "Come in!"

  Hinata and her mother entered the home. As they entered, Hinata's aunt immediately greeted her mother.

  "Ohayō, Yui! How are you this morning? I haven't seen you in weeks!"

  "I'm doing fine, Himari. How are you?'

  Hinata decided not to intervene with their conversation, so she decided to go to the living room to draw anything that came into her mind, just as if she was going to sleep. The first thing that came into mind was her favorite anime, "Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni (When They Cry)." She decided to draw a character named Rena Ryugu. She began to draw.

  Hinata was soon interrupted by her mother coming to talk to her, or so she thought.

  "Hinata Ito! Why didn't you come to greet your aunt?"

  "Well, I didn't want to intervene with you guys since you two were busy having a conversation."

  "That doesn't matter, you should've waited right next to me so she could greet you! Go say hello to her right now!"

  "Hai, haha." (Yes, mother.)

"And quit drawing all the time, it won't get you anywhere!"

"You don't know that.." Hinata mumbled.

"Excuse me? What was that?"

  "Nothing, mother."

  "That's what I thought. Now go greet your aunt."

  "Hai, haha."

  Hinata put down her pencils and paper and walked out of the living room. As she walked out, her aunt was already waiting outside the door for her. Oh no, Hinata thought, she's gonna yell at me too, isn't she? 

  "Ohayo, Hinata. How are you?"

  "Oh, I'm doing fine. How are you auntie?"

  "I'm doing fine as well, Hinata. Would you care for some tea?"

  "Hai, onegaishimasu." (Yes, please.)

  Hinata's aunt then walked to the kitchen to get a cup of tea for her. As she waited, she dozed off in her imagination once again.

  "Here, Hinata. I made your favorite."

  "Ah, thank you auntie! By any chance, is Miyuji here?"

  "Yes indeed. She is in her room."

  "Okay, thank you auntie!"

  "Of course, sweetie."

  Hinata walked quickly up the stairs and knocked on cousin Miyuji's door.

  "Miyuji? It's me, Hinata! Are you awake?"

  Footsteps are heard from inside the room, the door opens.

  "Hey, Hinata! How are you?"

  "I'm good!"


  "Thanks for coming, Hinata!" While Hinata and Miyuji were talking in Miyuji's room, Hinata's aunt and mother left to buy things.

  "No problem, Miyuji! I'm glad you were here."

  "Me too."

  "Well, it was nice talking to you. See you later, I guess?"

  "Yeah. See you!"

  As Hinata walked out of the house, she was taken aback by the person standing in front of her.

  Their face was so melted and contorted it was hard to explain what expression he was showing. To Hinata's surprise, she knew who this was. It was that same black figure wandering in the forest!

  This black figure.. was actually a man in a black cloak.

Yes, I left it on this UwU. Welp, I hope you actually enjoy this because I really did try my best on this first chapter! This is inspired by bubbliee_gachlee dream. Go follow her and read her story usu. see ya next chapter guys. baiiii

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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