Who murdered her?

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Jack's POV

I run all the way to the lower class quarters of the boat, where the party that Rose was talking about is being held. Once I get there, many of the men are playing instruments, clapping their hands or stomping their feet. The women are dancing with their partners or with each other. There's a few children playing card games in a corner. I find Rose arm wrestling a burly looking man. People are putting money down for who they think is going to win. Everybody puts money down that the man is going to win, except for Rose's friend Fabi. I find a seat next to her.

"So, did you bet that Rose was going to win because you're a supportive friend, or because you actually think she's going to win?" Fabi downs a shot while looking at me, placing it down on the table just as Rose pushes the man's hand down hard onto the table. My jaw drops. She actually won. Fabi tilts her head back into my view, with a grin that takes up her whole face.

"You tell me." She says. Rose and the man shake hands. "You know I let you win, right?" He says,  quirking a thick, black eyebrow. Rose makes a cute face where she tries to hide a smile. "Of course, Joe. I could never beat someone as strong as you." Joe smiles big and walks away, meeting his friends who all pat him on the back. Rose busts out laughing as soon as he walks away. "He so did not let me win!" She says loudly to me and Fabi. A few of Joe's friends look up, probably hearing her. Fabi shrugs her shoulders, scooping all the money into a pile.

"I don't really care who let who win, look at all this money I got for betting on you!" Rose smiles in a goofy way and does a little dance. I walk up to her and twirl her around, then dipping her so she leans back while I look down at her. "Bet you couldn't beat me, though." I say jokingly.

"Oh it is on!" Rose exclaims. We're just about to arm wrestle when I hear a familiar and unpleasant voice. "Would you stop touching my dress?!" Franchesca yells at a little girl. The little girl gives her a sad puppy dog look. Poor little girl. "I'm sorry miss, it's just that I've never seen anything so beautiful up close!" 

Franchesca snorts. "Of course you haven't, street rat." The little girl's mouth drops open in shock. "Oh no, she didn't!" The little girl says, raising her fist. Rose puts herself in front of Franchesca so the girl doesn't throw the punch. "MOVE ROSE." The little girl says in a deep voice that startles me. Rose lowers herself to the girl's eye level. "Sweetie, she's not worth it." 

Franchesca gasps. "Do you even KNOW my net worth?! You probably don't even know what a net worth is." A bunch of people start to turn to look at where all the drama is coming from, and then a short guy gets up on a stool and yells, "Who let in the rich bitch?" That makes me chuckle, and then his sister or wife or someone is making him get down. I think I hear her say, "Okay Tommy, I think you've had enough to drink." This just makes the short guy angrier, and he kicks the stool over. 

"Everyone thinks I'm a lightweight because I'm little!" The woman that scolded him before puts her hands over her mouth and walks away. Her eyes are wide and then she just shakes her head once she gets far away. Damn, I'm glad I'm not involved in that.

"You!" Franchesca yells, jamming her long red fingernail into my face. "Me!" I yell back, pushing her hand away. Franchesca screws her pretty face up into an ugly pout. "What do you think you're doing in a...in a place like this? Daddy is going to be so upset, IS so upset! And as a matter of fact, so is your daddy!" She ends the last sentence with a prissy stomp of her foot. I feel anger boil up inside me, thinking about how fake she is. How fake this marriage is. 

"Well what would your daddy and my daddy think about you going and making someone else a daddy that ain't me!" I yell back, talking about when I found her in bed with another man. Franchesca gasps. "You wouldn't dare!" She says. I know she's afraid of her dad finding out. I'm about to argue some more until I hear Fabi whisper to Rose, "What is going on here?" All of a sudden, I'm aware of my surroundings again. We must be ruining the party with our little domestic dispute. "I'm sorry, everyone. We'll just be going." A few people groan in annoyance, and I hear one guy say loudly, "Thank God!" I start to blush from embarrassment, and link my arm with Franchesca to walk her out.

Rose starts to run up to us. "Wait, Jack! You don't have to go!" I look into Rose's beautiful, concerned face and am tempted to stay, but the annoyed glances from the others change my mind. "I'm sorry, Rose." I say apologetically. Finally, Franchesca and I leave. 


I'm so bummed out by what happened at the party that I just go back to my room to sleep, despite the lecture I know I'll be receiving from my father for never showing back up to dinner.

When I wake up, there's a shadow looming over me in the dark. "Hello?" I say, unsure who is in the room with me. I'm pretty sure it's still night time. I turn to put the lamp on so I can see better, squinting my eyes. "You!" The man yells, waving his knife towards me. It's the man I caught Franchesca in bed with! He throws his knife but misses, hitting the wall behind me. I look at the knife at the wall, and then at the man. "Are you nuts?!" I say, ducking again when he tries to stab me, this time with a different and much bigger knife. "How many knives do you have?! What are you, a chef?" 

I shield my face as the knife comes slashing towards me again, intent to slice my face to ribbons. "You did it! You killed her, didn't you! Now you have to pay!" Whoa, I've got to get away from this psycho! Now think, what do I do ! And that's when I yank the knife out the wall and resort to mind games even though I have no idea what I'm talking about.

I swivel around, knife in hand, blocking the blow of my opponent. And then faking barely concealable fury I say,

"You know who the real culprit is here. You. You did it. You killed her because you just couldn't take it anymore. There was nothing you could have done to control her, and you hated that."

At this point, I'm just guessing really. I have no idea who was murdered, or who the murderer is. But I've had my fair share of psychos, and sometimes you have to make even less sense than them to get them to leave you alone. 

The man's face changes to shock at being caught, and then confusion. He lowers his knife and then I'm able to take in his appearance without being as scared for my life. He's a good-looking, dark-haired man with a white shirt unbuttoned half way, showing his chest hair. He looks hispanic. "How did you know it was me?" He says with a heavy accent. 

Realizing I'm going to have to keep making this up as I go along, I say, "Oh, please. It's written all over your face. Plus, guy wielding a knife doesn't exactly scream 'innocent'." I say sarcastically. The man scowls deeply at me. "I'm just saying." I say, feigning nonchalance while I'm screaming in fear on the inside. The man seems to agree, thinking it over for a moment. 

Then, finally coming to a decision, he says, "True. But now I kill you because you know the truth!" 

"Aaah!" I scream, jumping away from his knife again and up onto the bed. I stand up there not knowing where to go. Where is my dad at anyway? He's in the room next door, but doesn't he hear all the commotion? Suddenly, a voice comes on over the intercom. 

"We have found the missing woman, I repeat, we have found the missing woman. She is alive and well. If you are looking for Franchesca Ropierre, please come collect her at the main deck." 

The man in my room looks at me with wide eyes. "She's alive?" I'm too in shock to respond. The man walks up to me slowly, pointing the knife at my nose menacingly. I look deep into his brown eyes. "You know nothing of my involvement." With that final threat, he leaves the room at last. Once he shuts the door, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Then, the impact of what I've just learned hits me.

Someone tried to murder Franchesca!

Author's Note:

Hello all, I am sure I have some new readers now as my old ones probably gave up on me when I stopped updating. I never thought I would update again, but I've been pretty bored since quarantine. Anyways hope you enjoyed it! I will update tomorrow <3

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