Chapter 6 : "Let me help you..!"

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Yashiro's POV

A week after Hanako-kun visited "Komai". Hanako-kun wont tell me, The school mysteries avoided the topic, I was about to ask Kou-kun to go visit Komai but got sick and had to stay home

So I will visit her myself! I went to the auditorium and I heard lively music coming from there. I looked left and right before entering the auditorium

I saw Komai dancing there.

"If you saw her dancing her there,
Dont disturb her"

I guess I'll go tommorow- No! I wont give up!

"U-umm.. H-Hello?" I asked. Komai stopped dancing and slowly looked at me. "...Why.. are you disturbing me?" Komai growled "I-I just want to-to see you..!" I stuttered

"..why see me..?" She asked sadly as she looked away "I-I.. i want to know what happened between you and Hanako-kun last week.." Komai looked at her

"Nothing happened.." Komai declared "but.. Hanako-kun's really quiet.." I said "..You..dont want to know..." Komai whispered

"Komai! Just.. Please!" I said "Just let me help you!"

Komai Of The Auditorium | (COMPLETED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ