Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I woke up around 12 with a slight headache. I don't know why but I always get a small headache when I sleep in too late. I looked in my hand and saw that my phone was still there. How long did me and Luke DM each other? I went on Twitter and checked my last DM with Luke. 3AM?! I stayed up that late just DMing him? I hope we don't end up like those people who can carry a conversation over text but in person it's just awkward. I still can't believe it's summer. So much that I could possibly do yet I can't think of anything. Just when I thought about going back to sleep, my phone rang.
"Hello?" I say into the phone.
"Stelllll!" Jake.
"Are you up?"
"No I'm just taking to you on the phone, while I'm sleeping." I roll my eyes, even though he can't see me.
"Your sarcasm is killing the mood."
"What do you want?" I ask.
"Wow someone's sassy today. I just wanted to know if you wanted to go out today? I'm really bored."
"Yeah sure. Mall?" I suggest.
"Yep! I'll pick you up."
"You have your car back?" Jake got it taken away after getting a ticket for speeding. It was a 40 zone but he was going 60.
"Yeah, mom said that if I screw up again, no driving for a year." I could hear him sigh over the phone.
"Well you better be careful from now on then. I'm gonna get ready,be here in 30?"
"Will do. Bye"
I got ready and was done in 20 minutes. I went downstairs and saw my mom on the couch.
"Where are you off to?" She asks.
"Hanging out with Jake at the mall. Is that okay?"
"Sure, just be sure to text me."
"Okay, well I'm gonna head off now."
"Did you eat yet?" She asks as I pull the door open.
"No, I'll eat over there. Love you!"

Jake said that he was already there, and was waiting at the front entrance. I parked my car and walked toward the front, and immediately spotted him.
"Hey" I say, hugging him. He greets me the same.
"So what do you wanna do first?" He asks.
"Food court? I haven't ate yet."
"Sounds great."
We walk over to the food court and Jake heads over to Chipotle.
"The usual?" He asks. I nod. He always likes to order for me so I let him, and sometimes he pays for me, but other times I'll win the fight of paying myself. Once we grab our food we find a spot and sit down.
"So how's your summer been?" I ask.
"It's only been the second day." He says, chuckling.
"Well, what did you do yesterday?"
"Video Games, duh."
"Your such a nerd." I say, eating my food.
"And whose the one that always comes over to play with me on my Xbox?"
"Shut up." I jokingly hit him on the shoulder.
"So what's been up with you? Anything new?"
"Actually, yeah.. It's kind of a crazy story. Yesterday Justine and I went to the beach and I got hungry so I went to a restaurant but then-" my story was interrupted by a phone call.
"I'll get it!" Jake says, charging at it.
"Jake give it ba-" he was already answering it before I finished my sentence.
"Hello?" He asks.
I couldn't hear who or what the other person was saying.
"Whose this?" He says again.
"James? Stella doesn't know a James."
Oh great.
"Who am I? I'm Stella's best friend."
This probably isn't going to go well.
"Now listen here you-" I grab the phone and put it to my ear.
"Hello? James?" I say. Jake crosses his arms and pouts.
"Stella! Finally. Who was that?"
"Jake, my friend, so what's up?" I ask.
"I was asking if you wanted to come over later today."
"Sure, what time?"
"Whenever your available. Is 4 okay?"
"Yeah sure, just text me your address. See you then." I hang up, only to see a confused yet frustrated look on Jake's face.
"What?" I ask.
"Who was that?"
"James who? You never mentioned a James before."
"He-he was.. It's a long story." I sigh.
"I can wait." He says. So I tell him everything. From first ever meeting James when I was 3, to leaving him to move to California when I was 9, all the way to what happened yesterday.
"How come he never contacted you? That's a jerk move." He huffs.
"Jake! We were only 9. We didn't have cell phones or anything!"
"So? He could have called you through his parents phone or mailed you or something. He didn't even make the effort."
I had tried mailing James before, multiple times. But my mail kept being sent back to me and I was confused as to why. A couple years later, I found out that James had moved, and I had no way of how to contact him.
"Maybe he was busy, I don't know. But he's back now.. And.. I just think it's so crazy. Like it was meant to be you know? What are the odds."
"I've been there for you ever since 7th grade, and I will always be there for you. This guy.. He.. You left him, and he didn't even make the effort to see you."
"Like I said, we were only 9 Jake. Can we just change the subject please?" Why was he hating on James? He doesn't even know him. After finishing our lunch, which was awkward because of the conversation we had, we walked around for a bit until it was 3:30. I told Jake that I had to go, so he walked me to my car.
"Stel, I'm really sorry about earlier. I was just afraid that he would easily replace me since he was your first friend." He looks at his shoes, and his cheeks are red.
"Aw, Jake, it's okay. No one will ever replace you. I promise." I hug him tight before letting go.
"I'll see you later."

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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