Part 1

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"You should probably give up."

The doctor was blunt, uncaring of the psychological damage he just imparted to the four-year-old child sitting in front of him.

Izuku stilled, his hands loosened and his beloved All Might figurine slipped from his grasp, tumbling to the ground. The clatter of the cheap plastic was like thunder to the boy. His eyes were wide open yet unseeing. 'Huh?' He felt the blood rushing in his ears, his heart was pounding in his chest, so hard it was almost painful. Izuku was vaguely aware of his mother's concerned voice above him, but it sounded so distant. His hands were shaking, not violently so, but a small tremble, imperceptible to anyone in the room but him. His breaths became shallow, and he felt as if he couldn't breathe despite how much air he gulped in. Tears sprung at the corners of his viridian eyes.

His mother was asking the doctor if something was wrong with him. Izuku wasn't stupid, he could see the sideways glances she threw at him when she thought he wasn't looking. He heard the almost disgusted tone of the doctor, who immediately stopped caring about Izuku and any value he had as a person the moment his x-rays came in.

Quirkless. That's what they said he was. He would never have an amazing and flashy quirk like Kacchan or be able to be a hero like All Might. His dad was waiting at home, having taken the day off to be able to see them once they got back and hear the results. His dad had been looking forward to seeing Izuku develop his quirk, or a mixture of his and his mom's. But now he will never know what his quirk would be.

He didn't have one after all.

"A three-percent chance." the doctor suddenly said, shifting in his seat and avoiding eye contact with Inko, who was now starting to tear up at the realization that her child had no quirk.

"W-what?" she stuttered, bemused at the sudden statement, raising her head to look at him.

"There's a three-percent chance that he might develop a quirk later in life. The circumstances are typically dire, however. Most people develop them in high-stress situations, such as a villain attack, or a car accident. A time where they think their life is in danger and they are pushed past their limits, causing the quirk to manifest to save its user."

Izuku's head shot up at that statement, his eyes beginning to lose the dullness that had previously been in the child's eyes.

He had a three-percent chance.

But, but, but, they said it's a three-percent chance

That I'm gonna make it

That's a little bit less than what it is in my mind

But it's ok, I think I can take it

"Kacchan, why are you being so mean to me?"

Kacchan, otherwise known as Bakugou Katsuki, was Izuku's childhood friend. Bakugou had taken to using him as target practice for his quirk and was constantly using his quirk, Explosion, on him outside of the watchful eye of their teachers. Not that they cared much. In their eyes, Bakugou was perfect. He had a flashy and strong quirk, perfect for heroics, he was a great leader and always got good grades, even if his attitude wasn't that great. Izuku on the other hand was highly disliked by the teachers. He had no quirk, was always disrupting class, despite the fact that most of the time, it was Bakugou, and was always getting into trouble. The teachers were extremely biased based on quirks, and they had no qualms about ruining Izuku's future, after all, he was quirkless.

"What do you mean, Deku? I'm just playing with my friend, right?" Bakugou spit the words out like venom, the thinly veiled threat hanging in the air. Snitch and you're fucking dead, Deku.

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