Dear Bully25

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Dear Bully,
Miss Clarke threaten to report me if I don't tell her how I got my scars
I can't
I can't
I can't
I can't
She'll think I'm weak
I swear I'm not I'm just tired I want to leave.

She knew.

She found out.

I just don't know what to do.

***Ella's pov***

Apparently miss Clarke saw the scars, she just didn't bring it up till the next day.

She pressured me into telling her but I didn't budge I always repeated the phase I've been telling everyone that saw my scar

'i fell on the road and scratched myself'

Convincing right.

Miss Clarke needed a bit more convincing before she actually believed me or so she wanted me to think but that was not my priority.

Afterall it's none of her business.

It's no one's business.

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