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We come in all shapes and sizes. Our bodies all made for the same things.

To be loved, to be nurtured, to bear young, and to let us live our life to it's fullest.


We have such high standards of ourselves.

Everywhere we look we are shown the image of what a "perfect" female looks like.

We go against all our body is meant to be in order to obtain that image.

Those big eyes, skinny waist, long hair and hour-glass figure,

these are the images burned into our minds.

We abuse our body, starve it to the point where it is all skin and bones,

Until we are unable to give birth,

Until we are so obsessed, our life is no longer lived to the fullest.

We cover our faces with so much make up that we are no longer recognizable.

We are no longer the women we were born to be.


We fuss way too hard to reach an unobtainable goal.

We strive to be that "perfect" girl that does not exist.

What does exist though, is the perfect you.

The loved, and nurtured one.

The one whose body can bear young,

The one that lives life to the fullest that life can be.

When you are true to yourself,

When you do not waist your time on that skinny frame or perfect complexion,

That is when you are beautiful.

The most beautiful you that you'll ever be.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2012 ⏰

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