The Light

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Aleks POv
I spun lazily around in my black office chair, allowing my mind to aimlessly wander. Thoughts just randomly drifting across my mind, focusing in and out like the careless flicker of lightning bugs on a warm summer night.

As time passed random thoughts molded fluidly into memories. As these recent memories came to the surface, some stood out, painfully. I flinched as I recalled the immense feelings of emptiness and dread after Domi left. Life had turned into a whirlwind of despair and anguish without her in my life.


He remembered the seemingly endless  nights of lying in bed feeling like he was worth nothing more than the dust accumulating under his long since cleaned bed. Thankfully it didn't take long for his friends but more importantly a certain someone, to realize how far he was sinking.

He smiled leaning back into his chair, reflecting on the memory of James coming to his house two weeks after the break up. It had been the beginning of countless visits, consisting of his Creature friends coming to his house trying to find a way to brighten his dampened mood.

Looking back now James' was probably the only one that would have been able to lead him out of the darkness was he had slowly found himself spiraling into.

~Flashback to that day~

He had been lounging in his dirty bed with doing nothing but sulk. When suddenly he heard his front door open and a loud distinct voice bellow out, "Hellllllloooooo............ALEKSANDR!......Where the f*** are you!?". Some moments of clanks and clatters coming from the kitchen raised his suspicions as to what James was doing here. Then he had heard a faint,"Ollie! Hey there kitty. Whachya doing on that there counter? How bout we give our good'ol friend Aleksandr a little visit? How's that sound? Good? Good." A meow and sounds of clomping up the steps later, Aleks heard a knock at his door.

James POv
Without any given consent, he flung the door open with Ollie on his shoulder to reveal a groggy,irritated Aleks. Groaning Aleks slowly sat up, "James, I'm not in the mood right now." James simply continued further inside, settling down at the end of the bed. James gently scooped Ollie off his shoulder onto the bed and with soft eyes gave Aleks a concerned look. His eyes ran over Aleks' disheveled, unkept appearance. He immediately felt regret for not coming sooner run through his mind.

Ollie the Kitten POv
The gray-white splotched kitten ventured his way up and over Aleks' lap towards the pillow Aleks wasn't using. Aleks hadn't played with him for weeks hopefully this new human would knock some sense into him. He gave them a meow as he curled up on the opposite pillow falling fast asleep.

James POv
James started uncertainly," Aleks......" Quickly he was cut off from any upcoming thoughts by Aleks' suddenly leaning foward towards him. His facial expression changed from grumpy to angry in a split second. He snapped, "Look James, I don't need your sympathy! I can take care of myself! And I definitely don't need you coming in here and checking on me as if I'm some....some child! Don't try to tell me it's ok because it's not! Just because we're friends doesn't mean you can just barge in here and expect me to suddenly be ok! I'm not ok and your just going to have to deal with it! So just leave!" After his final exclamation, he sank under his covers, coiling into a fetal position. Gradually, his body began shaking harder and harder as sobs started to wreak his lean frame.

Stunned by the harsh words flung at him by his best friend, James just sat there for a moment. He knew Aleks was hurt but it had been two weeks. Two weeks! James had thought with the space he had given Aleks, he would be over it by now. It's not like Aleks was even at fault here! Domi had deliberately cheated on him. That's her loss! Aleks had done the right thing to break it off with her! He doesn't deserve to be broken because of such scum.

Looking over to the now trembling mess of a man before him, he understood how completely and utterly wrong he had been. A sudden pain bloomed within of him as he heard more muffled sobs come from Aleks.

Swiftly, he swept the covers off of Aleks' violently shivering form, lifting Aleks up, left arm under his legs and right supporting his back. With Aleks in his arms, James slid into the bed and swept the covers right back over the both of them. Aleks had instantly stopped crying. He was now staring at him with wide, red, puffy eyes filled with confusion. "J-j-j-ames?", Aleks hiccuped wondering what had overtaken his friend to do such a thing.
Aleks now laid horizontally across James' lap with one arm around his neck. Aleks' head was now cushioned in the crook of James' neck. James reached over with his left hand caressing his cheek as he softly muttered,"Aleks I'm here because I care about you. I'm not here to chastise you. I'm here because you need someone to show you that you're worth something more than just a disposable partner. Someone to show you that they love you and care about you. You may not be a child but we all need someone to be there for us during the ups and the downs. I know it's not always going to be ok like right now but I'm not here to make you feel just ok. Oh no, I'm here to make you feel like your better than just ok. You are the most amazing person I've ever met and that being without you would be like....having no one to yell at. I knew the moment I met you that I wasn't going to lose you no matter what. And I'm definitely not going to leave you. I'd rather do the exact opposite and stay right here with, you, the only person who matters the most to me."

Aleks POv
Eyes sparkling with unshed tears, Aleks peered up at James', filled with so many emotions. His throat tightened up and his mind spun, unable form any coherent thoughts to form actual words. All he knew was that he wouldn't let go of this person who he knew one hundred percent cared for his well-being. All Aleks could do was wrapped his arms tightly around James' neck and let out everything that he had bottled up for the past two weeks. All of the anger, the resentment, the fear, and most of all the raw pain he had kept inside from losing the only world he thought he needed.

Hours later Aleks slowly came to consciousness refusing to open his eyes due to a massive headache from crying. The sun had streamed though the blinds directly into his face. Instinctively trying to hide from the irritating light, he snuggling into the warmth-radiating body cradling him. He hummed in content as his slowly drifted back to....

His eyes shot open as he actually registered his surroundings. Frantically, he glanced up at the man's black messy curls holding him. Quickly realization flood through his panicked mind. Smiling up at the snoring man, he gently raised his hand to the side of his face. Running his hand down James' scruffy beard, his hand slid down to his neck as he thought about how lucky he was to be cared for and loved.

So if anyone's made it this far......
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed my first story. Peace :D

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