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As I sat around the dining table, I rethought my impulsive decision, the risky decision I haven't informed anyone about.

Yes, I decided to play Ouija.

I'm aware of the consequences, and they can be truly deadly, but I just want to know if the rumors about the house were true or not. The anonymous noises I have been hearing at night are just scaring me, and I'm starting to somewhat believe that this house is haunted. Yes, sounds pathetic, cause I have never believed in this stuff. Anyhow, this ouija board is going to clear this up. Let's hope it goes well.

You must be wondering how I got an ouija board? Well, me and my friend, Emmy, designed one in art class today. The art teacher was a little freaked out when she saw our artwork, but we reassured her that we weren't going to use it. Honestly, we weren't intending on using it, but the idea of playing it to know if the house is haunted or not later popped up in my mind. I told Emmy that I will take the ouija board with me home, but didn't tell her that I would play it, fearing the possibility of her informing any of my sisters.

The ouija board sat underneath my bed, with the planchette laying on top of it. As bedtime arrived, I headed to my room and closed the door. Ensuring that everyone had already gone to bed, I pulled the board from beneath the bed and placed it on the bed. Positioning the planchette on top of it, I sat with my legs crisscrossed. Taking a deep breath, I hesitated to start playing it. Is this the right decision? Can the game be as harmful as movies define it? I guess not. It's just a board, what's the worst can it do? I'm still doubting that it will even work. People say that this board can open up portals with the other side, portals that can't be closed. I don't quite believe it, as it sounds kind of ridiculous.

Okay, Judy, stop being a chicken and play it now.

I placed my fingers on the planchette and inhaled sharply. How terrible can be the aftermath? I didn't want to imagine. I tried to think positively and persuade myself that probably after all of this overthinking, nothing would happen. But then again, the concern is back. What if mom or dad manages to find out that I played it? What if Quinn finds out and tells mom and dad? What if someone opens the door now and sees me? Numerous questions began cluttering my mind.

For God's sake, Judy, stop thinking.

Closing my eyes for a brief moment, I tried to stop worrying. Ghosts aren't real and paranormal activities are myths, I reminded myself. Now I should start playing it before I get caught red-handed. Inhaling, I cleared my throat and then spoke up.

"Is there anyone here?"

My voice cracked as I spoke and I tried my hardest to keep it stable. The tension intensified as the planchette remained motionless, and deafening silence replenished the atmosphere. All I could hear was my own, loud breathing that fleetingly broke the silence. Each minute that passed without a movement in the planchette increased my trepidation but also dwindled my patience. I was on the verge of giving up when the planchette swiftly moved and landed on something I totally wasn't expecting...


"What is your name?" I whispered, my voice quivering. I awaited another motion in the planchette, and this time, it didn't take as much as the first time. The planchette hastily glided over the letters L-A-U-R-A. Laura. The name sounded weirdly familiar, but I couldn't recall where have I heard it.

"What do you want?" The words slipped off of my tongue before I could even notice. At this moment, I realized that I shouldn't have asked this, but it is too late. I already did, and I don't want to imagine how horrible the consequences were going to be. The longer the planchette remained in a quiescent position, the scarier I grew. My heart was pounding in my chest and it was becoming harder to breathe. As I waited for a few more minutes, my heart nearly stopped when the planchette moved.

But what scared me, even more, was what it spelled out.


The planchette then floats and gets tossed at the wall by an unseen force. I wanted to scream but my voice wouldn't come out. All I could do was gasp as I watched the lights flicker and the furniture shakes violently. The board hovered and was flung at the wall as well. My bed begins shaking frantically and I tried my hardest to maintain my balance. I gripped onto the covers and pulled them over my head. Once the covers were over my head, my bed ceases shaking. I breathed in and out, trying to calm myself, but I couldn't stop myself from sobbing.

I didn't dare to remove the covers off of myself, dreading the likelihood of seeing something unpleasant. I could sense the presence of something, something dark that was waiting for me to remove the covers.


A whisper rang in my ear, sending chills down my spine. The whisper was so clear that I feared that it came from behind me. Slowly turning my head, my heart stopped at what I saw.

An unimaginably dreadful face with glowing green eyes stared right into my soul. Her wet, brunette hair was floating, and her skin was whiter than ice. She had a sinister, ear-to-ear grin stretching across her scarred lips, a grin that made my blood run cold.

I let out a blood-curdling scream that was soon muffled by the creature that began vomiting nauseating black liquid into my mouth. Those hair-raising green eyes stared at me, burning my flesh as if they were laser. Her disgusting brunette hair touched my face, making me feel nauseous. I felt suffocated by the liquid the creature was vomiting into my mouth, and once she stopped, I could breathe again. As she vanished, everything went back to normal, but not me.

The whisper encouraging me to hurt anyone got louder and clearer, and I couldn't ignore it anymore. It was like someone inside me was whispering repeatedly, and I could feel myself beginning to like what they were saying, which was;

kill them, kill your family.

The Haunting Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ