The End

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It started off as a quiet autumn morning in Australia.

It was only 5am and the cold rush of businessmen and women were awake.

The weather seemed odd, weary but they only shrugged it off, and continued with their lives like nothing was ever going to happen.

The clouds were fading victimized by the destruction of what humans have caused and looked as if they were darkening in color.

By lunchtime the earth was alive and breathing with people.

And the earth seemed like it’s normal self, until everything went quiet. Everyone looked up into the pastel sky.

The ground shook for four seconds, it felt so long but I knew it couldn’t be anything bad.

Five minutes later, the old café fell to its feet as the ground shook furiously.

I watched as a little girl looked up to see a large piece of brick tumbling towards her, her mum started screaming and we all knew it was too late.

I wondered whether it was going to happen again, I looked up into the sky it seemed so full of color yet so grey.

I’ve seen this happen before on T.V but I never thought it could be this horrific.

As I ran home I stopped to look at a T.V in the window of a fairly new shop, I saw the clueless face of the little girl on channel 9 and her heartbroken mum.

Looking down at the ground it seemed to be darkening; the sun was going down. Everything is getting darker and you could see a white shining moon above everything else.

I read my watch, 1:34pm. Was it AM, I wondered.

You could see the streetlights open up most of the world with just enough light to see what was happening. 

I slammed open my front door, to see a collection of books and broken dishes scattered everywhere on the floor.

I turned to look out the window; I squinted slightly as I saw my neighbors in tears as they were pulling dusty bricks off a small life like object.

I looked very closely and I saw their favorite ginger cat lying on the dark pavement, dusty and completely silent.

Maybe I had said something that was wrong, why is all this happening? Was it the end of the world? Was God punishing us? All this questions were pounding in my head; it felt like an out of control headache.

Everything seemed to go back to normal by 3am, except that it is dark and early morning. It is supposed to be 6:15pm.

All though people were rushing around like nothing happened, I couldn’t help but wonder if they were as scared as I am.

I flicked though channels over and over until I came across channel 9.

I watched channel 9 broadcasting what was happening right now in the country below us, New Zealand. 

Listening to the reporter she was saying,

New Zealand has been hit with a major storm and its slowly flooding different communities. The police are evacuating areas as we speak.

All airlines will be cancelled until this blows over, but for now…”

Out of nowhere, my T.V shut off. I looked outside; all the lights were turning off leaving a dark mist of despair.

A feral thunderbolt shot through the sky, I could hear screams from three doors down. It was a ferocious and scary early morning.

As I woke, I noticed the bright sun glaring in my face.

It felt almost good; I knew this must be too good to be true.

The sky was lit up with a brightly colored blue.

I felt the sun beaming down on my face, a blaring hot light.

It was becoming even warmer each second, and the ground was so hot if you touched it red dots would appear.

I was straining to remember what I learnt in science class.  

I needed to lie down in a bath full of icy cold water in the middle of Antarctica, but I couldn’t get there so a glass of water was needed.

I was the girl on fire; my throat was bare against the boiling temperature.

Water, I screamed in an agonizing pain of thirst.

After a refreshing drink of water my body fluids came back to life.

I felt like a pack of hungry wolves that just got their first meal.

Grasses, trees, leaves were slowly roasting in the crazy heat.

A man walked outside, wondering what was going on, he fell to the ground as the death defying heat pounced on him and demanded his life.

He kneeled down on a patch of what used to be grass, struggling to breath. The sun; what I used to draw in the corner of pages with a warm loving smile, now my greatest enemy. 

More screams arose, as his two little boys watched him slowly give way to the heat.  

My skin felt sore. I looked down at it and freaked out.

My skin was covered in tiny red spots. I wondered if it was chicken pox, but I already had been vaccinated.

I remembered health class, the presentation of skin cancer.

Everything came back to me. Science class they were talking about greenhouse effect and what can happen if it becomes stronger.

When it came to me, our world is kneeling at the feet of death.

I had to warn someone but going into the sun with skin cancer would probably make it worse. I didn’t want to end up like that poor man.

I tried to call someone, but I knew it was too late.

Out my window a wave of water was pouring into streets and the whole world was becoming a massive swimming pool.

I ran upstairs, but I knew it was probably hopeless.

The earth rumbled again, this time for longer and buildings collapsed at the feeling of movement.   

I fell to the floor, out of breath and incapable of moving.

I saw the waves battling towards my house, I had to move but I couldn’t.

I knew it was all over… 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2012 ⏰

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