Chapter 3: Impossible! How can you see my Stand!?

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 Watts and Kira left on an aerial transport headed for Haven Academy in Mistral. The ride was silent for a while as they passed over sea and forest, but Watts wanted more information on this "Killer Queen" ability.

"This 'Killer Queen' semblance you have, what did you call it again?"

"A stand."

"And this 'stand', does it differ from our semblances somehow?"

"In a way, yes. Although they aren't all the same, not everyone has a stand."

"And how might one obtain a stand? Is it passed on genetically?"

Kira thought about this and replied, "How I obtained Killer Queen is my own secret, but what I do know is that fighting spirit in some form can make it stronger. And yes, i do believe it is possible for the ability to pass on through generations, but its form and power is ultimately based on the person, not those before him."

"So you've seen your fair share of these stands?"

"Yes, i remember one that could manipulate sound, another that consisted of a hundred or so little creatures, and one that could stop time itself."

"Hmm, stopping time could be very useful. What can yours do, exactly?"

This was a question Kira had to be careful with. If he told him everything, he could be at a disadvantage in the future. Hiding "Bites the Dust" and "Sheer Heart Attack" would be his best option, but telling him about his first ability wouldn't be too bad. "My stands ability is 'Bomb Transmutation': The power to turn anything my stand touches into a bomb, which can be activated remotely from any position." But in order to use this ability he would first have to remove "Bites the Dust" from its current host. Of course, Killer Queen is still present for use in protection.

"Anything you say? Are there any limitations?" Watts asked wide eyed at the power of Kira's stand. First off, this would be extremely useful in order to get rid of unwanted eyes and ears pointed at their plans, and would totally take out any money reservations towards explosives or parts for building/fixing them.

"Object wise, no. It can be anything from a small coin to a fully grown man, but i can only place two to three bombs at a time."

"I thank you for answering my questions. It'll take another day or two till we arrive, so if you need anything I'll be in my quarters." Watts said as he left, leaving Kira to watch the view as it passed by. They had no trouble on their way due to Salem's protection. Any Grimm passing by would either avoid or ignore the flying contraption. As soon as Dr. Watts arrived in his room, he made a call.

"Yes, Leonardo, this is Watts speaking. I have a new member of the team accompanying me to our meeting, and I'd like to ask for a favor when we get there."


After a day and a half, the craft landed in Mistral. At this point Kira realized he was in a new world where any mistake he makes could be far worse then he thinks. "Dr. Watts, is there anything I should keep in mind before we leave?" he asked.

"Oh, that's right, you don't know about this world. Well, try not to break any laws you may know of. Also, there is another... kind of human here, who have different parts and pieces of animals. They're called faunus. Don't stare too much or say anything about their appearance. They can be rather... offended at times, maybe a little too much." He said as they left the docks. "Just follow my lead and everything will be fine."

The city was filled with people here and there, with shops and stalls lining the streets. The two men walked calmly through the crowd for a while until they came to the entrance of Haven academy. Students were going to and fro as they walked down several hallways to the main office. They entered the headmasters office to find an older man sitting behind the desk. Watts stepped away from Kira and nodded at the headmaster, who stood up at full height. The strangely large cross shaped bracelet on his arm turned into what seemed to be a shield. He swung his shield arm, pointing at Kira, and a blast of fire shot out at him.

"KILLER QUEEN!!!" Kira yelled as his stand appeared behind him, reaching an arm out to stop the fire ball.

"W-what is that thing?" The headmaster asked shakily, pointing over Kiras shoulder. Kira followed his finger to... Killer Queen! Impossible! He can see his stand!? Watts seemed confused about the question, but Kira needed to be sure about this, so he had Killer Queen move closer to the old man, and sure enough, he backed away as it came closer.

"How..." Watts looked at Kira questionably. "HOW ARE YOU ABLE TO SEE MY STAND!!!"

"Mr. Kira, where is your stand at this moment?" Watts asked the man. "In front of the desk. Why?" he answered. "Could you have it look this way?" At Kira's nod, Watts took a picture of where Killer Queen would be, and sent it to Tyrian for backup info, with the message 'What do you see?'. He replied back 'You know, it's kind of weird for you to send me a picture of a pink, naked Voldemort.' This made everything much clearer for the scientist. "Mr. Kira, it seems that another restriction has been added to your abilities."

"Oh? And what would that be?"

"Faunus can see it."
















To be continued.>>>>>>>

Hope you liked this chapter, and if you have any thoughts, opinions, or questions, don't be afraid to ask.

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