Shang's Haki abilities

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Shang: So... Tai, you want to see my arm infused with Haki?

Tai: What no! What even is Haki

Shang: This *arm goes steel black* 


Shang: Rayleigh taught me

Tai: so your new step dad?

Shang: Basically

Tai: So what did he say?

Shang: Trained me like Luffy, no food or water until I got Observation and Armament Haki.

Tai: how did you survive??

Shang: Yes

*Few hours later*

Shang: Franky, the kid was asking for it

Franky: Really!? Using Haki on some random kid!

Shang: Well.. He asking for it..

Franky: Shang, I- I don't know what to do with you..

Shang: I blame this on Rayleigh 

Franky: I don't know why I love you

Shang: *blushing* at least say no homo!

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