Dear Harry,
I've always wonder why my Father named me Murphy. When I was ten, I asked him why, and with a cryptic smirk on his face, he stated: 'Murphy's Law: whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.' I went back to the children's home that day with a simple question in my mind: who the hell would name a child after something as awful as that?
I never did find out the truth, but I never stopped thinking about it.
Maybe he knew I was destined to a life of misfortune- I mean, who would ever expect an infant left on the street to eventually grow up and have a wonderful life? Maybe he named me that because he knew I was the same as black cats, as broken mirrors, as walking under ladders- I just simply had a case of bad luck.
But then again, knowing my father- perhaps he thought I was strong enough to withstand the misfortune of my life. With the way he looked at me sometimes- as if I was a soldier who made it through the toughest of wars when in reality I was just a scrawny, awkward teenager- I think maybe this may have been the case.
Everybody is always telling me they're proud of me for where I've taken my life. It is true- I was very misfortunate for the first 20 years of my life, but I did dig myself out and start over fresh, and I should be proud of myself. I am, Harry. I can happily say that I fall asleep beside you every night soundly- one half being because I know I've made something of myself, and the other half, of course, is because I fall asleep beside you.
I don't consider myself misfortunate. Maybe a few years ago when I'd come home from a late night on the job, I would look at myself in the mirror and pity the broken girl who would stare back at me- but today I look back at those memories fondly and smile. That girl had no idea where she would be in five years, and thinking about her makes me so incredibly proud. She had no idea what was coming for her, but she continued to press on and wake up every morning for no other reason except for the fact that she survived the night. I would say that's pretty badass of her.
And the loss I suffered- I thought I would never smile again when Zayn passed- or even Kitty. But then I had you, Harry- and God, do you make me smile.
I am marrying you today, my love, and I know that young girl who would pity her reflection every night would've never imagined she would be here. Of course- I have my own personal vows written down, and you're going to hear some of the same stuff later on in my own voice, but I feel as though some of these things should be kept quiet and between us- our own little secret.
For example, I think my father would've loved you. When you talk about music, sometimes you sound just like him- your eyes light up and you start to talk with your hands. I love that part of you so deeply, and I think he would've too if he were here. I think he's looking down on us with a smirk right now and thinking to himself, 'good one, Murph. You picked a good one."
I've always been a strong believer in the fact that no one can save anyone. I still stand by that statement, but I know for a fact that I wouldn't have been able to save myself if you weren't by my side. I will forever be grateful for the love you've given me and all of the beauty I now see in the world. I began to look at everything differently ever since you stepped into my life. It's like the classic song says- la vie en rose. Life in pink. Life in love.
I look forward to seeing you today, just as I do every day- and I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you. Thank you for being all that you are, and I can't wait to be alongside you and watch all that you become. All that we become.
And, well- fuck Murphy's Law, am I right? Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong? Fuck that. Together, we're stronger than any stupid form of destiny that was placed on my head by my name. I'm a believer in free will, Harry. And my choice is always you- even through the misfortunes. It's always going to be you, baby.
After losing so many people, I started to question what the meaning of life was. I'm still so young, but I can confidently say that I feel so strongly as though the meaning of life, is love. It's the one force that can stretch across space, time, and defeats everything in its path. Wars are fought for love, and wars are ended for love. It always ends with love. If there's one thing I hope you take away from this life, it's that you are so very loved. And with me around, you always will be. To be loved and to be in love- what's better than that?
I can't wait to see you today. I love you so very deeply, baby. Thank you for being you.
Love always,
Your Murphy.P.S: Fuck Murphy's Law.
Murphy's Law ✔️
FanfictionAnything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Or the one in which Harry is searching for a spark and a troubled girl who's trapped in a sticky situation may or may not be just that. A story about scraped knees, orphan jokes, strip clubs, overcoming a...