FP asking Alice to be his serpent queen (season 4)

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It had been about 6 months since The Farm had been taken down. 6 months since the merge of the the Cooper-Jones-Smith families. 6 months since Fp and Alice decided to give their relationship one last try. The past 6 months for those two had been unbelievably amazing, they had been on cloud 9. Other changes within the family had happened too; Jughead had decided to step down as serpent king as he 'still had more to learn' and this meant FP had taken the throne again. It was a warm, sunny day in Riverdale. Everything was calm and peaceful so the serpents had all decided to have a family BBQ at their campsite. Everyone was there: all the serpents, Archie, Veronica, Jughead, Betty, FP and of course Alice. The day was very lively and fun, food was constantly passed round as well as drinks, both alcoholic and soft. Among all the conversations there was one particular that kept coming up: is FP going to have a serpent queen reigning by his side?

It was mid-afternoon when FP called out for everyone's attention.
"Hey guys! Can i have all your attention?!" FP shouted out. All the serpents and their guests all gathered in front of FP.
"I just wanna thank all of you for sticking by me and trusting me over all these years! I couldn't ask for a better family!" FP started and this was then followed by cheers and claps, "there is something i do wanna day though. To lead this group it takes a lot. It takes time, dedication and support. I always think that a good king needs and great queen by his side," he smirked as he glanced at his girl, "and i know that for me to be the best leader i need a the best queen so..." FP stepped forward and held his hand out for Alice to grab. When she did, he pulled her to his side and looked her straight in the eyes, "Alice Susanna Smith, will you be my serpent queen?" FP asked in the softest voice. Alice smiled the brightest smile, the smile that was reserved for FP only.
"of course i will, FP." Alice answered with tears forming in her eyes. The smile that appeared on his face was the brightest smile she has ever seen him wear. As the serpents cheered and clapped Alice pulled FP into a soft yet passionate kiss. when they pulled away from each other Jughead and Betty walked over to them, Betty holding a leather jacket.
"We all thought that you should have a new jacket. You both have matching tattoos and now you have matching serpent jackets." Betty smiles brightly at them as she handed Alice the jacket. FP took the jacket out if her hands and helped her into it and as she pulled her her hair from the collar all the serpents erupted into even bigger cheers.
"It's you and me baby, always." FP softly said.
"Always, Jones." Alice grinned.
"I love you, Al." FP muttered into her ear. A small gasp of disbelief left her lips.
"I-I love you too, baby." Alice muttered back, her hand snaking around to the back of his head and pulling him down to connect their lips. His hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to him which deepened their kiss.

"ALL HAIL THE SERPENT KING AND QUEEN!" Fangs and Sweet Pea yelled out and this then caused the rest of the gang to cheer along and Alice and FP let our content laughs and he pulled her into him and placed 3 kisses on her neck in delight. The day carried in well into the night, the joyous high from the crowning of the new queen was still going strong even when everyone headed home. The Cooper-Jones-Smith family all headed straight to bed as soon as they got through the front door. Alice still couldn't believe that she had been crowned the new serpent queen, she couldn't believe how her life had played out and she was so happy with how it was. She had her amazing kids, a house on Elm Street like she always wanted, steady income and above all she was in the most amazing relationship with her soulmate. As her and FP we're getting ready for bed they both had the brightest smiles on their face and when they led in bed his hand went straight to her tattoo and began tracing it and her hand went straight to his tattoo and began to trace his; both of the knowing the design by memory.
"I'm so happy you said yes." FP muttered with a small smile on his face, his fingers still tracing the tattoo.
"Of course i would. You mean the absolute world to me, FP. I will always stand by you serpent queen or not. I love you." Alice whispered to him, her hand morning from his side to her cheek, turning his face so he looked her into her eyes.
"I love you too. So much Ali." He leaned towards her and they shared a slow, love-filled kiss which grew heated by the second. FP pulled her thigh across his leg and she shifted so she was straddling his hips. As he sat up, his mouth trailed down to her neck as small moan of pleasure escaped her lips.
"Please, i need you. Now." Alice breathed out. FP placed a soft kiss on her lips then pulled her nightgown over her head.
"God your beautiful." he muttered. Alice flipped them over and pulled FP's pyjamas off too.
"I love you." Alice whispered.
"I love you too. Always." He whispered back and they made love until the early hours of the morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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