Chapter 2: Alamo

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29th May, 2024
North of the Salerno, South Italy.
0630 in the morning.

I sat down on the road, behind the makeshift wall made out of sandbags and opened up my MRE. It's a Veggie Omelette
Thomas: "WHICH ONE OF THOSE QUARTERMASTER RETARDS GAVE ME THE SHITTY MRE?!" I yelled. Matt sat down next to me and opened up his MRE.
Matt: "I heard some fucking POG fucked up and gave Our MREs, not this vegetarian shit, to the 3rd Armored. Speaking of which, I heard we are getting reinforced by Two Abrams, Two Bradleys and Four Strykers from 'em. Quite the firepower for a single outpost" He said as he started to eat his omelette. I swallowed that crap that is Veggie Omelette and looked at him.
Thomas: "No shit? For real?" I asked and he nod. I chuckled and quickly ate my grub.
Thomas: "Wait, for real? Ain't your brother a Tank Commander in the 3rd?" I asked.
Matt: "Hell yeah!" He replied. I chuckled and finished this crap.
Thomas: "Now....let's hope it will exit better than it entered" I said, earning a laugh from Matt. I sighed and picked up a rifle. I went on patrol around the perimeter. I saw Angela on the gate, behind the medium-height sandbag wall.
Thomas: " good?" I asked as I approached her. She jumped up slightly.
Angela: "Y-Yeah" She replied as she scanned the road. I stand next to her.
Thomas: "Shook up by this shit?" I ask. She nods.
Angela: "Yep" She replied.
Thomas: "This is War....It's our work. Relax, we're still alive" I said as I offered her a cigarette, which she took. I took mine and lit her and mine and we began to smoke, watching the gate.
We saw something moving. I pulled out binoculars and crouched.
I spotted T-90, T-80U and T-72. And they are aiming down at us.
Thomas: "GET DOWN!" I yell and pull Angela down as those tanks fired at the gate. Their shell fell too short and exploded in front of the Gate.
Thomas: "MATT! CALL THE CAS!" I yell.
Matt: "ON IT!" He replied back and started to call for Close Air Support.
Thomas: "MIKE GET THE FUCKING AT4!" I scream. I saw Mike jump out of the turret with the AT4 and start running torwards us. Somewhere in the half of the route between our Humvee and the gate, he fell and screamed. Then the familiar Crack sounded through the outpost. Sniper. And he shot my friend.
Thomas: "SNIPER TAKE COVER!"  I scream as I began to crawl towards Mike. He groans as he starts to bleed out. I reach to him and begin to pull him towards the cover.
Mike: "Fuuuuck...I ain't dancing for a loooong time" He joked as he groaned.
Thomas: "Fuckfuckfuckfuck" I mutter all the way to the cover.
Angela: "Holy shit..." Angela blurted.
Thomas: "Angela, open his IFAK!" I ordered.
Angela: "W-What?" She asked.
Thomas: "OPEN THE FUCKING IFAK!" I roared as I began to try and stop his bleeding. Matt came running and crouched next to me. Tanks and enemy infantry fired at us for about Hour or more.
Matt: "Boss, CAS will arrive in 3 mikes. 3rd's 1st Company is coming as fast as they fucking can....Oh fuck!" he ducked as Bullet hit the asphalt. Angela opened Mike's IFAK and pulled out the Tourniquet, Which I took and tied above Mike's wound above knee.
Matt: "Fuck me, Mike...You ain't playing basketball no more" Matt said, earning a pained chuckle from Mike. Then we heard in the distance a roar of jet engines. I took a mirror and peek out. Then I saw how Tanks are being shredded to bits.

Then I heard the Oh So Sweet Sound of God's Wrath


I looked up and saw two A-10's fly away, dropping their payload. They dropped some White Phosphorus and GP-Bombs.
Matt saw it.
Matt: "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! GET SOME, BITCHES!" He cheered as wreckages of enemy tanks burned. Then we heard the sounds of 'Don't Tread on Me' growing louder in the distance. 1st Company has arrived. I saw how Strykers stopped on the sides of the Outpost and turned their M2's at the forest and began spewing lead. Bradleys rolled by and stopped next to our Humvees, while Abrams just crushed the gate and drove few meters before stopping and turning its turret to the right. Second one did the same thing and began firing. Soon bradleys joined in and from a normal forest, now a fucking dead zone was made. My company cheered from that sight.
Mike: "Get fucked, Sniping bitch" Mike growled as he slowly was getting up. Matt helped him up and carried him over to the Stryker. Soon, the barrage stopped and a man in Khaki Coverall and in CVC Helmet jumped out. He approached me.
Jason: "Kept ya waitin', fucker?" He said with smug grin.
Thomas: "Jason, you two-faced motherfucker. Took you long enough, eh?" I replied as we bro hugged. Angela was heavily breathing, just frozen in place as Matt soon arrived.
Matt: "Shit, lil' bro. How are ya?" He said, hugging Jason.
Jason: "Good. Just riding and treading on them. How 'bout ya?"
Matt: "We had an injured. It was Mikey" Matt said.
Jason: "Shiiit. Well, 3rd Armored and 2nd Infantry will take it over. You earned some rest" Jason said and returned to his abrams. I smiled as Matt went to the Humvee. I pressed the PTT Button.
Thomas: "Hitman, we're leaving. Get your asses on Humvees" I said and looked at Angela. I released the PTT Button and gently picked her up.
Thomas: "It's over....We're going back behind wires...." I said as I escorted her to the Humvee.
After the ordeal and quick packing our shit....and leaving All Vegetarian MREs, we left the area and returned to the Salerno.


Trust me, about Vegetarian Omelettes and Vegetarian MREs is true. They are THE worst US MREs ever made.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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