River of Contrition

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I awoke upon a small boat,
It was silent save for the water flow.
I opened my eyes to see a surprise,
A crow standing on the bow.

"Bells!" It said.
With human tongue.
And a lingering dread
Would set within myself.

While perplexed by the situation,
I felt compelled to listen,
All around me however was nothing.
No color or flower to take bliss in.

Besides the dark river,
The surrounding land was nothing but grey,
A streak of blandness going hither and thither.
Forward was the only way.

The crow cawed happily.
As the river began to wind and bind,
So did the land change as well.
Trees and creatures appeared frantically.

However, these animals weren't natural.
They bore many eyes and limbs aplenty.
Skittering about erratically,
With no care to natural movements.

The trees as well seemed to mimic this too,
With limbs instead of branches
That grasped out at any object near.
Layered mist covered them like morning dew.

The river gave into danger,
Turning the flow into rapids,
As if the river became immersed in anger.
The crow cawed again, but more desperate.

I tried to maneuver the boat as best I could,
But the anger of the river was stronger.
It threw the boat every which way,
I hoped it wouldn't last longer.

The river then became faster,
And gave way to two tributaries
The crow cawed right of this disaster,
And yet I chose left.

Many thoughts poured through,
Was this way right?
Was this way true?
Was the crow to be listened to?

And yet, right or not, the bells were seen,
Through the brush, a tower stood.
With two bells, illuminated by a beam.
The crow cawed, "Bells!"

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