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Once upon a time, long before the earth was anything but an empty mass, they say the great elder god; Chukwu, ruled all the heavens with infinite wisdom and power at his disposal. The other gods lived in relative peace and harmony, content in his reign. Chukwu's daughter, Ani, was said to be the most beautiful of all the gods and had her father's love and adoration. Hence, he refused give her in marriage to Ekwensu, the trickster god even though he was madly in love with her. She eventually married Igwe, the head of Chukwu's generals. 

Spurred by an an anger so dark, Ekwensu used his trickery and cunning to arouse discontent in the hearts of the other gods, ultimately leading them to the the start of the greatest war the kingdom of the gods had ever seen. The course of this war is largely unknown, all we know for sure is that it led to the death of more than half of the existing gods and the ones who survived the devastation of the war were left with only a fragment of their initial power. Gods who formally thought themselves truly immortal were forced to come to terms with their mortality and the selfishness of their innate nature. In a final act of desperation, Chukwu split the heavens into different kingdoms in an attempt to separate them, giving the gods territories in different dimensions.

 For the first time ever, the gods were not in harmony, but the ceasefire held. The elder god however, disappeared and has not been seen since. Some say, he had used the last reserves of his power for that last desperate action, others claim he felt guilty for his inability to prevent the war and regretful for all the children he lost. All we know is that before he disappeared, Chukwu hid Ani in an empty earth along with her husband; Igwe, knowing she was the true object of Ekwensu's wrath and with a bulk of their remaining strength, they created the first humans and taught these humans to live in peace and equity, swearing never to repeat the gods' mistakes with them. This was their chance for a new beginning. Ani became known as the goddess of the earth while Igwe ruled the skies and together they made the two primary rulers of mankind. For a long time they were hidden from Ekwensu's vengeful gaze. But sadly, this peace was never meant to last, the era of the gods was bound to be shaken once more...

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