Cyan Remembrance

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The flow of that azure dress, that once was free, is carved in my amygdala like a fossil.

Bewitching crystal cerulean fabric that kisses rocks into creaminess, so docile...

The natural wind dances with it as if they have been living the same wish;

smooth tail gown raises up with alignment and dips down with a calming swish.

Those scenes replay in my heart each moment I close my eyes and let my spirit free.

Warmth and essentiality stick to my remembering skin like a wet cloth filled with glee.

Dress of the deeps, sublime ripples of saxe that can only be compared to the sky.

But, a pinafore is nothing without a gentle woman mighty in aptitude or tide.

Breathing and moving, that's all I want for my last wish, I want to see her once more;

reminiscing the day where my life was blessed by pureness since the age of four.

The sun was performing its last symphony;  the clouds were singing the last song.

Golden rays hit the textile like bells that ring before heaven's doors close with a dong.

She moved from delicate to complex;  the gown consumed my feet lightly as it moved...

The tail teased me by hiding in the colors of the reborn sky; it followed a groove.

Smell of her perfume; the essence of ambrosia is left weak next to that salinity.

With every breath of brine the lungs burn with satisfaction, life, and humidity.

Exhaled sodium chloride brushed my hair and refreshed my soul; my life was never...

Now, at the end of my days, I cry the same tears that equal to that salty water.

Woman that hydrates the earth to its seventy-one percent of heart worn passion.

When the last bitter waters touch my lips I'll savor that memory fully, my dear ocean. 

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