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Hello! Welcome to the High Peak Awards, a contest dedicated to undiscovered writers. Below are our rules:

1. No bullying, mean comments or disrespect are allowed here. Offenders will be blacklisted and banned from future awards hosted by this account.

2. Follow the host, Ibirockerchick as well as the main judge, TatianaRiot or you won't get accepted .
You may also follow the wonderful Marco_is_to_Blame who is in charge of stickers (optional).

3. Tag as many users as you can to spread the word. The sooner spots get filled, the sooner judging begins.

4. Give this book a shoutout on your profile and add it to a reading list.

5. Fill out the form in a single comment, the password is a song you first hated but came to love.

6. You may enter two different books but in separate genres. All books must be in English. As this is an awards for undiscovered writers, only books under 10k reads are considered.

7. LGBT and Mature books may be submitted, but no erotica or smut is allowed.

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