Chapter one

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"But why? Why must you push me away all the time?! Why must you shove everyone away from you?! You said when we first met that you would allow us to help you, Sarah!!! And guess what you're not doing?!!" Ben yelled, barely being able to see his friend through the pouring rain as she ran closer to the black lake. Ben had to admit that he was afraid of thunder, but this matter needed to be settled, and settled now.

"Do you not understand?!" Sarah yelled back, obviously trying to keep herself from crying as rain pelted against the lenses of her glasses. Within a few moments of running on the muddy Hogwarts grounds, they were both soaked. "I don't want to hurt anyone any more!!! The vaults are my case to crack, my problem to deal with!!! After what happened to Andre, I don't want to risk anyone else getting hurt!!!"

"So what, are you just gonna let Merula win, then?!" Ben yelled back over the roaring winds. "Do you even know how your brother went missing?! He never trusted anyone!!! He tried to find the mystery of the cursed vaults by himself!! I don't want you disappearing out of nowhere to where we can't find you!!! Have you thought about how that may affect me, or any of our friends for that matter? We care about you, the thought of losing you makes me afraid beyond knowledge!!"

"Isn't that what you always are?!" Sarah spat back in her fit of rage. "You said so yourself, you don't have what it takes to be a Gryffindor!! You call yourself a pathetic excuse!!!" She bit her lip, going over what she had just said in her head. Still not coming any closer to Ben, she put her face into her hands. "How do you expect me to believe what you're saying if you can't even believe in yourself?" She finished.

Ben thought about that. She had hurt his feelings, but he knew that she didn't mean it. He considered her question as the storm grew around them, matching his feelings. He was just so confused. He could hear the voice of Professor McGonagall behind him.

"Mr. Copper, Miss Everest!! Get up here immediately!!! It's not safe down there!!!" When they didn't move, she added, "don't make me have to remove points from your houses!!!"

Ben continued to look at Sarah. She crossed her arms, shivering and looking at the ground, just standing in the rain. She was three feet from the black lake, which began to overflow with the amount of rainfall.

"I don't know." He finally answered. "But perhaps, if you're willing to believe in me, maybe I can learn to do that, as well."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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