Jon and Lucas 1/3 Meeting

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Pic of Jonathan

**Jon's POV**

"You didn't have to do this, you know," I appreciated, glancing around my new dorm room.

"I wanted to," my girlfriend, Raina, insisted, wrapping her arms around my waist to give me a hug. She had helped me unpack my boxes and do a little bit of decoration on my side of the room.

"Thank you." I hugged her back, kissing her forehead. "I don't know how I'll get through college without seeing you everyday. You're an entire hour away." I pouted.

"You're gonna get yourself into so much trouble like you did in high school." she giggled, looking upward at me. "Don't worry, Jonathan. You'll be fine; we both will."

"We'll visit each other every weekend...right?"

"Of course." She nodded with a hopeful smile, and I playfully tugged at her thick, curly hair. "When is your roommate coming?" She sat down on my bed and I joined her.

"Today, probably. He texted that he was on his way, but I'm not sure how far he lives from here."

She sighed when her phone beeped with a message. "I wish I could stay longer so I could at least meet him."

"Your friend's picking you up, right?" I asked, raising an eyebrow warily. She sadly nodded.

"She's already here. We're having a girl's weekend before things start getting hectic with orientation then school."

"Well... in that case, you guys make sure you have the most insane fun and I wanna hear all about it."

"Not too much fun, I promise." She smiled before pecking my lips and standing up. "I'll call you tonight."

"And I'll visit you next weekend." I stood up as well so that I could walk with her out of the building and see her off. I hated having to say our goodbyes, but I reminded myself that it was just for the time being. I'd see her again soon.

I made my way back into the building and into the elevator. As it was about to close, I heard a high-pitched shrill from a woman in a red dress, strappy black heels, and matching red lipstick. "Hold it open, please!"

I wondered whose mother she was as she half-ran and half-strutted to the elevator while I held my hand out for her and her family. She ushered in a young boy, followed by a man I assumed to be her husband, then a guy closer to my age stepped in with a couple suitcases.

"What floor is it again, Cas?" The man asked his older son as the elevator shut. I pushed the number 5 and looked at them so I could push another number.

"Same," the son responded, apparently named Cas.

"Oh, so you two are on the same floor, huh?" The woman's face lit up as she pointed at me and this Cas.

"Seems so," I said politely, giving her son a friendly smile. But he wasn't even paying attention to me. He was just staring at his shoes. He looked shy. Nervous.

I couldn't blame him.

Later on that afternoon, when I was already situated on my side of the room, the door twisted and unlocked, and in walked my roommate.

From our texts, I gathered he was friendly, lacked a filter, and loved to go to parties and get drunk. I expected Lucas to be surrounded by his family members, but not a single one ever appeared.

"O-M-G!" He exclaimed upon the sight of me. I smiled brightly, completely overlooking his shirt which read: Gay Men Suck... if you ask nicely.

"You made it!"

He waved his hand. "Oh, yes honey. We picked a damn good college—the scenery is amazing. Perfect for late night sex under the moon." He let go of his luggage and flopped onto the bare mattress with a sigh. "Well you're just a cutie, aren't you?"

"Oh, me?" My eyebrows shot up, surprised he would say that. But I had to remind myself, this was just who he was.

"I don't see anyone else in this room." He looked amused as he sat up, facing me. "I cannot wait to meet hot guys."

"You're um..." I nodded at his shirt, not knowing if it was impolite to ask.

"Gay? Absolutely. Though instead of 'if you ask nicely,' it should say 'for thirty bucks.' That's way more accurate. So, Jonathan, correct?"

I wasn't very shy, but I had a quiet confidence while his was boisterous and energetic. Because of this, I felt my cheeks heat up a bit as I nodded.

"I promise, I'm not high," he assured. "I know I can be a bit much."

"No, no. If that's who you are, I'll accept it."

Lucas's smile grew, and his eyes glistened. "Wow. If only there were more people with that mindset. We're going to be fast friends, you and I."

"So, if you don't mind me asking, where's your family? Or friends?"

"Oh right. I guess it does seem a bit unconventional to move away for college without the help of your loved ones. Let's just say they couldn't make it."

"Do you live too far?"

"Not at all."

"Oh." I respected whatever secret he was very clearly keeping. We barely just met, and he was pretty sweet. Better than having an asshole for a roommate. "I'm gonna go out to eat in one of the dining halls later. Would you like to come with?"

"Sure. Love to."

"Good. I've been craving tea and honey all day," I chuckled, picking up a book from the shelf near my bed.

"Wait a second." He lifted a finger. "You like honey in your tea? You're one of those people?"

It was evident he was teasing me and I just laughed. "A lot of people do!"

"You're a honeybug," he called me, lying back down.

"A what?"

"A honeybug. It's a term of endearment."

I squinted my eyes. "Well, nobody I've met casually says 'term of endearment.' Don't you mean pet name?"

"Forgive me. I'm a nerd; I can't help myself."

"A nerd, huh? You might come in handy. You any good at math and physics?"

"Top of my class." His grin was wide and proud.

I shook my head with a lingering smile and returned the favor. "Okay, Hawking."


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