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Min Yoongi slipped the buds securely into his ears, the music flowing from the speakers and soothing his soul with the soft melody.

The lyrics warmed his heart, made him feel something better than the constant emptiness that plagued him.

Emptiness caused from his loneliness.

Because Min Yoongi never had any friends. At best, he had a couple acquaintances a few years ago, but they were all gone now.

Ever since he was young, Yoongi never got along with people very well. And though his mother tells him that he was such a bright and happy child, he doesn't remember that part of himself. He's only ever known to be socially distant. And that only worsened after his father left.

Since then, Yoongi cut off all ties with anyone. He shut everyone off, offending many in the process. But he didn't care about their feelings. He just wanted to be alone, frightened to be close to anyone. He didn't want them to leave and experience the pain he felt with his dad's disappearance all over again. So he made sure to leave them before they left him.

And with that, loneliness consumed him.

Yoongi grew mean and cold. He took criticism with a roll of his eyes, telling anyone who hurt him that he didn't care.

But, in truth, he cared a lot. He cared so deeply that whenever anyone looked at him with judgement or dismissal, his heart grew a little darker.

Until, one day, he was saved.

With a sweet smile, a boy with such a bright personality that it was almost blindly, sweetly called for Yoongi's attention with a polite, "Pardon me?"

Yoongi looked up. He was sitting at his desk, scribbling down his notes that the teacher called out. In front of him sat Jung Hoseok, the class' sunshine.

"Yes?" Yoongi asked, his gaze darting back to his notes. He winced at his voice, never having gotten used to how dead it sounded.

But Hoseok's smile didn't falter, like most's did. And he didn't back down despite Yoongi's sharp tone. He continued, "Could I borrow an eraser? I can't find mine."

Yoongi looked up. As his eyes drank in his classmate's sweet expression and handsome features, Yoongi felt his ears redden. He suddenly realised that... he didn't want the smile that the boy wore to go away.

So Yoongi nodded, handing his eraser to Hoseok, who cheerfully thanked him and promised to return it to him by the end of the day.

It was such a simple exchange. But to Yoongi, it was so much more. To Yoongi, this was the moment that had begun to give him life once more.

Henceforth, Yoongi's life was forever changed.

AN: hello dear reader. if you're a follower of mine, you must be surprised to see me active after two years of being gone. i wouldn't blame you; i'm surprised myself since i have dropped my writing hobby and focused more on my art. however, it is art that returned me to here.

you see, i have a friend on instagram who also does art, and she owned a small comic of hoseok and yoongi in a high school settinv, where yoongi was in love with his friend.

after completing the story (which you can find on twitter under her username of doehimmel), she put it up for adoption. and i purchased it, and the story now belongs to me.

once i bought it, i decided to pair up with her and bring the story to life once more in a longer, more in-depth form. i will be publishing the new version as soon as possible on my side instagram account by the username of frecklemins. (i'll let you know through here as soon as it's up)

however, i also decided to bring this story to life in a different form, and that's in a novel, which is where this story comes into play. so if you don't want to read the comic version(s), you can always stay up to date on the story through this book. either way, i will be posting the newest comic version in this book as soon as they're up for anyone who doesn't or can't own an instagram account and would like to read that version.

no matter how you decide to read this sope au, i sincerely hope you will enjoy. please keep in mind that chapters won't be super long considering that they're based off ten-panel parts, leaving little room to turn into 1K-worded chapters. however, there will be lots of chapters to make up for the lack of length.

thank you so much for joining this story. i hope to see you at the end.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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