Chapter Five

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[Harry's PoV]

"Fuck! Honestly, Niall.You're such an idiot!" Harry shouts out loud, his voice echoing in the hall. He slowly slid down the wall, taking a seat on the carpeted floor. Fuck, Harry thinks again, because not only was one of his band members missing, now two of them were. Harry could've stopped Liam, too! 

You can't go to bed without a cup of tea,

maybe that's the reason-

Harry slipped his iPhone out of his pocket and answered it, already knowing who it was. "Hey, babe."

"Harry! Where the hell are you? Si is freaking raging and Zayn and I are going mental!" Louis' voice drifted through the phone and a smile spread across Harry's face, despite the situation at hand.

"Yeah, about that. Uhm, Niall ran away and Liam left with a suitcase and a plane ticket." Harry breathed out and two loud laughs blasted through the phone, causing Harry to pull it away from his ear and put it on speaker.

"That's a good one, babe. Tell them to hurry up and get down here, we've got work to do."

"Louis, listen to me now." Harry was not going to have any of this. He was stressed out of his mind and all he really wanted was a cup of tea, or alcohol, a cheesy movie, and cuddles with Louis. 

Louis stopped laughing and became quiet. He knew just when to stop joking.

"Yes?" His voice cracked, sending a shiver down Harry's spine.

"I am not joking. Niall left and Liam has gone after him. We have no idea where the hell either of them went."


"Oh? Really, Lou?"

"I'm just shocked! Don't blame me!"

"Let me talk to Zayn."

"No! I'm listening."

"I need you to listen and reply."

"I did-"

"Reply fully, Loulou."

"I will. Promise."

"Okay. Well, I went up to look for Liam and he rushed out of his room with a plane ticket and his suitcase and just ran past me. I mean, I grabbed for a little while but he needed to go, Lou. So I let him."

"Harry! They could be anywhere in the freaking world! AND THEY'RE NOT EVEN IN THE SAME PLACE. WHAT THE HELL WAS LIAM THINKING? HE HAS NO IDEA WHERE NIALL IS! IS HE JUST GOING TO GO TO RANDOM ASS PLACES? Shit, Liam! Niall could be in Canada and Liam could be in China and, Liam really need to think before he acts and why didn't you stop him?!"

"He needed to go."

"Why? Why does he need to go, Harry?"

"Because Lou! What if that was me? Would you just sit around and hope I'd magically come back, or do something? I know that I'd search every damn inch of the Earth looking for you, Louis."

"But that's different, Haz! We're together..."

"You know damn well that has nothing to do with this. We are brothers. All of us. We stick together and we do everything to help one another. Oh, and Lou? Are you really that blind that you can't see how much Liam loves Niall?"

"I love Niall too, Harry."

"Yeah, so do I. But Liam is in love with him, babe. Even if Liam can't see it yet, it's there."

Harry can hear Louis sigh from across the phone.

"I love you, boo."

"I love you too, Haz. Now get down here so I can kiss you."

Harry chuckles as he hears Zayn's noises of disgust.

Sorry for that lameness but I'm really fucking tired because it's really late and I have a major case of writer's block. THE IDEAS ARE NOT FLOWING. and I just wrote a long ass chapter for one of my collabs, yawn.


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