Meeting Kami Herself

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All men are not created equal. This was the reality I learned about society at the young age of four. And that was my first and last setback.

The first incident was in Qing Qing City. An extraordinary child was born who radiated light. After that, reports to people with superpower popped up all across the globe. No one knew what was causing this quirks. Before long, the supernatural became the totally normal. Dreams a reality. The world became a superhuman society with about 80% of the population possessing some uncanny ability. Our streets looks like scenes from comic books. A city swirled with chaos and confusion, a new profession dominated our collective consciousness. It was a age of heroes.

With the rise of superpowers, came an explosive increase in criminal activity. While governments were stuck trying to figure out how to reform law with quirks in mind, courageous people started performing heroic acts to keep our cities safe. Protecting us against villains who abuse their power for evil. With overwhelming public support, heroes found an official place as peacekeepers, overseen by the government. Those who perform the best will be paid the most and got all the fame and glory. Their career is dependent on their abilities to stay in the spotlight.

All my life I have been ostracized and hated by everyone else in my life for the simple reason of me being declared quirkless. I was viewed like I was the plague and I was the victim of hate and bullying for just existing. All I ever wanted was to become a Hero but that dream was shattered when I found out I was quirkless. The only person in my life who still loved me was probably my mother and anyone else who did not know I was quirkless. After realizing I could not become a Hero, I started to help society in other ways. I would volunteer at the local orphanages and hospitals every weekends and help out with the kids and patients. At least through this I felt satisfaction in life and that there was a still a way I could help people. I also started to study more as the profession of Pro Hero was out of my grasps. I found out that I was considered a prodigy as I had an IQ of 201 and thus I was able to complete my studies by the time I was 12. I invented many devices and patented them and distrusted them to the police force and military. Some of my inventions included temporary quirk cancellation tazors and quirk cancelling collars for criminals and villains. Through my inventions, I was able to gain quite a fortune that allowed my mom and I to live very comfortably. Through all this I was working out to ensure that I will still be able to defend myself in times of danger. I went to a local dojo and practiced in mixed martial arts. Even without a quirk I was the highest ranked student in the dojo. Even if my dream of being a hero was gone I was still content and happy with my life but there always a sense of longing within me hoping somehow I could become a hero one day. It all changed that day, oh and I forgot to mention this is the story of how I became the greatest hero in the world.

 I was currently walking back from a training session at the dojo and decided to go through a different route. All of a sudden I felt a slime like substance cover my entire body while trying to choke me.

"Don't worry, I'm just taking over your body. It'll be easier for both of us if you don't fight back. It will only hurt for a minute. You'll feel better soon." said the slime villain who continued to strangle me while I was helplessly wailing within his grasps. I could not even shout for help as my entire face was covered in slime. I slowly felt myself unable to breath any longer and felt like my lungs were about to break any moment from lack of air. I then realized that I was going to die and in the end I could still not become a hero and I was going to leave Mom all alone. At least she would be financially stable from my inventions I thought  while I slowly lost myself in my last moments.

"Sorry mom this is my end" I thought as finally my last breath was released as I felt myself lose my life.

Slowly darkness overtook me and the next thing I knew I found myself in a bright white room that was empty. Even in death I found myself being all alone, maybe life really hated me to the point I was condemned to an eternity of loneliness. However as I was thinking about my sad life a shining new figure stated to appear before me. The figure was a beautiful lady who was glowing brightly. The women was the epitome of beauty and I found myself staring at her with my mouth wide open. The lady then started to giggle at my reaction.

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