Summertime ball 2021

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Note: In this chap 1D is already  reunited the corona virus is gone and Taylor is still happily inlove with Joe.

The lads are in audience chair just finish their rehearsal for their  performance, the boys are casually talking when someone shouts Taylor's name and told her its her turn to rehearse on stage. Taylor excitedly climb up the stage wearing a shorts, sleeves and white shoes with her hair in a bun. Her band quickly assemble on stage. They hear some of Taylor's friends cheer for her like Shawn, Camilla, Selena and including Niall who is just beside him.

He don't wanna watch her. He just can't because he doesn't wanna fall for her even more he just wanna continue talking to his friends. But then her music starts playing starting with Ready for it?...

Her moves was badass yet flawless also her backup singers were enjoying their rehearsals on stage. Harry doesn't really wanna watch her but Niall and Zayn was watching her and humming the lyrics of the song.

"Damn her lyrics are always onpoint." his friend Liam said who is also sat  beside him.

"Yup always great." Niall agreed who you know a fan of her.

Seriously?! He thought

He doesn't wanna watch her but her friends are beside him praising her.

Her song then shifted to Cruel Summer, Blank Space, and Style. GREAT

"Ohhh you got that James Dean...look in your eyesss." Louis sang obviously teasing him. And his friend join him on singing the lyrics

Taylor was not looking at their seat she is just jumping around onstage and enjoying the song like she doesn't know that he was there and the song was for him.

"Shut up will ya mate!" He hissed at his friends.

"Heyy what that was a great lyrics..isn't? Harry" Zayn tease heck the old Zayn is really back.

"Yeah and that was for you Styles." Louis spoke in a teasing tone again.

"I know but so?." Harry snapped at them

"Yeah keep it, like you didn't just admit to us that you still find her gorgeous and amazing after all those years." Louis said.

The five of them partied at his house they got sober up then all of the sudden he blurted out his feeling about her to his friends.

"Yeah she is still amazing, you guys also find her the same way I do right, what I have for her is simply just admiration no more love or somethin'. " He defended himself.

"Like you didn't stare at her when we are singing WMYB and You & I." Niall said still looking at Taylor and humming the chorus of the song.

"I didn't alright maybe look at her but not stare at her."

"Yeah I saw that too, you're lucky cause she is cheering for us and not just looking at you." Liam said

"Fine alright so??" He asked them.

"Well admit your feelings to her easy."
Louis suggested like it was really easy to admit your feelings to your ex and she has a boyfriend. Harry stare at her on stage she wouldn't notice him anyways.

Style finish her next song was YNTCD.

"Mate she has a boyfriend, if Im not mistaken they are together for four years." Zayn told them

"You met him?" Liam asked

"Yeah twice on her 29th bday and when we have double date, he seems a nice guy."

"See mate she already found her soulmate I don't wanna ruin her happiness just because I still have feelings for her." Harry told Louis rejecting his suggestion.

"HUH! You admitted it, you still have feelings for her!!" Louis exclaimed and Niall, Liam and Zayn are smirking at him.

"Lower down your voice mate someone might hear us!" Niall told Louis who just smirk at him. Some of the famous singers are also at the arena they have seperated seats but still.

"Still Im not gonna admit a thing to Taylor she is happy with him." Harry said in a low voice then sigh if only he can, he will. His friends sense the sadness in his voice they stop saying a word and just watch Taylor rehearse on stage again. He is mesmerize, her moves are always grateful and she is always amazing.

Until her song was Paper Rings then her last song.

We can go driving in, on my scooter...

London Boy

"Woah" his mates exclaimed once again!

"Yow Harry London Boy isn't this song for you?" Liam asked

"Nope it's not mate." Zayn said

"Why? Harry is her only boyfriend from London I doubt that this is for his dj ex they have bad blood right?"
Louis said.

"Seriously?! Mate his boyfriend Joe is from London this song and her whole album is obviously for him! Again they are dating for four years." Zayn told them once again. Harry thought why does Zayn know all of this oh right from her wife Gigi who is Taylor's bestfriend for years.

"Well is she not allowed to think of Harry while dating the what his name? Joey? Toe?" Louis said

"Tsk, don't give Harry those words Louis." Niall told him "Harry?"

"She is happy with him thats it" Harry said looking at her while performing the song.

"Well you guys can still be friends, just approach her and she will gladly be your friend, well just friends Harry but atleast you will still able to talk to her."  Niall said ofcourse she is the closest to Taylor. He knows her.

"I know mate thanks for the advice but being friend with her again is not bad." Harry said

"Ok is that what you want, but if she gave you the friendship, don't ruin it"
Liam said giving Harry a smile

It's final he will try to talk to her again not to admit his feelings that he still have after all those years, but instead offer a friendship that will hopefully last. She is happy with her London Boy but he wish it was him who makes her happy and those song are for him.

I just wish Taylor.


Hope you guys like the first chapter.
Sorry for the typo and wrong grammars.

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