All Must Be Punished ⚔️👊🏻

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"Do you wish that I had become Tranquil!?!.... being my "friend" might be easier if I were.... would we even BE friends!?!" Cullen hears a familiar soft voice ask he looks up to see a much softer looking Fen'Harel standing before him the woman he remembers ever so clearly over the one he has seen on and off time and time again since the fate of the Tower "no! I would never....!! well yes.... I mean no!.... of course we would!.... I hope!" he replies with a soft sad tone as he rubs the back of his neck nervously he smiles when he hears her softly chuckle "what has happened to us my lion!?!" she asks with a low soft sad tone "too much.... far too much!" he replies with soft sadness then he feels her lips press up against his..... Cullen wakes up drenched in sweat ever since she threw the Templar at his feet and thrust his note up against his chest.... he still has the bruise upon his heart to prove that it happened even through his armor she still finds a way to wound him.... her harsh words that held some truth to them.... Makers Breath why does he constantly have such dreams about her!?! they've been becoming more frequent now that she was seeing that dwarf who he was sure living the reality of his dreams as he wished he could dreams where all his fantasies all his wishes come true and he is capable of loving her as he always wanted to be able to love her and have her love him in return..... yes they even.... ahem.... in his dreams and it felt spectacular!.... no better than that there were no words to describe how being with her in such an intimate way made him feel though he did wake up with his body tingling with exotically erotic sensual pleasure at the memory of said dream then slump sadly at the memory of the truth that he may never be able to make those dreams a reality if he never gets over this hateful fear he has of those like her.... even though he hates mages he only wanted her to be happy for there is a deep part of him that still loves her and forever shall love her no matter what he thinks of people like her he just wished he could show her how he felt but everytime they were together he always ended up saying the wrong thing and speaking so illy of her kind and he understood why she hated him so much for he would hate him too if he was in her place.... Fen walks with Fenris, Marini and Sebastian along the Wounded Coast Fenris knows how close she is to the earth "a "true" elf!"  he would tease since elves are mainly known to be "one with the Fade, nature and magic" though he also knows that there's more to that after all just how many of her past bodies must be buried all over Ferelden as well as other lands and how much of her must have stayed with those bodies after losing a little bit of herself with each death Fenris hears Fen softly scoff as a group of men walk into their path "hunters"  he growls "stop right there! you are in possession of stolen property back away from the slave now and you'll be spared"  one of them orders "alright"  Fen replies Fenris looks at her with a surprised expression on his face then he sees her raise her arms out to her sides and feels a gust of harsh wind surround him and his friends then the hunters go flying backwards "what!?!.... oh they weren't talking about themselves were they!?!.... oops!"  Fen questions Marini chuckles "this honor is all yours little wolf"  Fen says Fenris smirks then a fight against the Hunters ensues until only one hunter is left standing Fenris walks over to him kneels down beside him pulls his head up by his hair and orders angrily "where is he?"   then he slams the mans head into the ground and pulls it back up so that he once again looks into his eyes "please don't kill me!"  the man begs Fenris once again slams his head into the ground then lifts it up and orders "tell me!"  the man replies "I don't I don't know I swear!"  Fen walks over to Fenris' side and says "he smells more feminine to me.... at least the magic surrounding him does!"  Fenris looks up at her as she kneels down beside him and asks the man he leans on with his knee "do you have family?!.... a wife?!.... children?!"  the man nods "if you tell my friend where your masters pet is we'll let you leave.... alive!.... if you lie not only will we kill you but I will hunt down your family and kill them too is that understood!?!"  she asks the mans eyes bulge out of his head and he nods fearfully then replies "Hadriana brought us! she's at the holding caves north of the city! I'll show you the way!"  Fenris says "no need I know which ones you speak of"  Fen smiles then says with a playful tone"don't make a liar out of me little wolf!"  Fenris growls lowly then throws the mans head back down onto the ground and stands up the man tries to get up as well but he feels some form of magic holding him down then he hears Fen say "if you go running back to your master to inform her that we are coming my threat still stands and I will make you watch then I'll kill you understood!?!"  the man nods his head with a frightened expression "unless you WANT her to know.... do you want her to know Fen!?!"  she asks playfully realizing that he was not in the mood to be called "little wolf".... for obvious reasons.... "no!"  Fenris growls "I won't - I won't I swear just PLEASE let me go!"  the man begs then he feels the magic be lifted off his body and he stands up then runs away "thank you"  Fenris says softly "ir abelas Fenris I should have realized....!"  she apologizes softly "no.... I know you do it out of habit"  Fen replies gently Sebastian and Marini look at them oddly "shall we go visit your masters girlfriend!?!"  Fen asks Fenris laughs then replies "we shall!"  then they start walking towards the holding caves "you wouldn't actually....!?!"   Sebastian asks Fen nervously with a slightly worried tone as he walks at her side "what kind of elf do you take me for Chantry!?! if a threat doesn't sound convincing then it would never work!"  she replies he sighs in relief making her chuckle "remember what he told you about his masters "pet" name for him?! which just so happens to be the elven meaning of his actual name"  Fen tells Marini who finally understands what the two elves spoke of not even two seconds before.... Fenris explains to Marini who Hadriana is as they walk Fen and Sebastian walk in silence as though they had far too much to think about to speak of anything to one another.... which they probably did.... "we must be careful"  Fenris says when they reach the mouth of the cave "but!.... I'm never careful!"  Fen teasingly replies "this is true!"  he mutters rolling his eyes at her she sticks out her tongue at him he was half tempted to "threaten" to bite it but he knew how sexual that would sound and it might make the poor Chantry Prince blush at the thought something about his friend made.... most things easier.... but unfortunately for him SOME of those things turned into a sexual innuendo.... what are these women doing to him!?!.... a elven mage and a human rogue both women he feels something for the mage he felt a deep friendship he never dared possible because of her magic and the rogue he loves with every fiber of his being but still fears the love he feels for he has no idea what it would do to him and both of them carry a beauty unheard of in any land both inner and outer "there were many such holdings once especially in the mountains where individual slavers kept private pens they were designed to protect against raids by fellow slavers not doubt it's why Hadriana chose this place"  Fenris tells them "maybe she wanted to redecorate add a few flowers"  Marini replies "I'm pretty sure the only type of redecorating that will be done in there is with blood Mar"   Fen says "yes.... her blood!"  Fenris growls lowly "that's not what I meant Fen.... but.... I understand"  Fen says softly he looks at her sadly then says "let's hope this isn't a waste of time"  Fen asks playfully "now when have we ever been known to "waste time!?!.... oh!.... right!.... never mind!.... proceed!"  Fenris shakes his head as Marini laughs then Fenris leads them into the cave....

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