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hi guys so thanks for choosing to read my book :)

I'm probably not going to leave many authors notes throughout the story but feel free to leave any comments!!

I'll update as often as I can, hope u enjoy xxxx


Friday had come around fairly quickly, and once cheer practise had ended I made my way straight to the bank to deposit the cheque my grandmother had sent me in the post.

As much as I insisted I didn't need it, she loved to send me a monthly cheque of £100, and I could always do with a little extra cash.

She lived across the country, and unfortunately I didn't get to see her anywhere near as much as I would like to. But whenever we did see each other, we always tried our hardest to make up for lost time by squeezing in as many activities as possible.

She was an adventurous woman considering she had just entered her sixties, but when my grandfather had died a few years ago after having a sudden stroke, she had decided she was going to say yes to almost anything life had to offer her. I loved that about her.

I smiled to myself, thinking about some of the fun times we had spent together over the years before I came back to reality, suddenly noticing that the queue at the bank hadn't moved at all in almost 10 minutes.

And I had a party to get ready for.

I sighed loudly and began picking at my nails, glancing impatiently around the bland building. 

It was times like these that I really wished my grandmother knew how to work her online banking.

I was still only 5th in the line and I began to contemplate whether I should come back tomorrow. I decided against it as there was no way I would be able to drag my hungover ass here tomorrow before the bank closed at 2.

The sound of the automatic doors sliding open caught my attention, and I looked up to see Alexander King strolling through the doors, laughing into his phone pressed to his ear.

I watch, slightly hypnotised by his perfect white teeth and tight fitting shirt, as he walked towards the end of the queue.

That boy had been blessed by the God's with his good looks, but unfortunately he had also been blessed by this father's terrible attitude.

It wasn't long before his award-winning smile faltered, obviously noticing the length of the queue. As he ran his hand through his dark curly hair with his free hand, his eyes locked with mine and he immediately smirked, causing me to quickly look down and continue picking at my nails.


I was just about to sigh again in frustration when, suddenly, an almost deafening noise interrupted my thoughts.

The glass doors shattered and glass sprayed across the room. Fear immediately formed in my stomach. Everything was happening so quickly, but it somehow felt as though time had come to a halt.

Four large figures stepped through the broken glass into the building. They were dressed head to toe in black, their faces almost completely covered by balaclavas, except for their eyes darting around the room. Black bags were slung over their shoulders and their guns were raised, pointing round at us all.


There was no fucking way this was happening right now, this couldn't be real.

"Everyone get down on the ground!" One of them shouts, threatening us all with his gun.

My legs were shaking as I lay down onto my stomach, tears pricking my eyes as I watch the scene unfold in front of me.

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